Delapool's 150 gallon tank

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Yabbies or crayfish used to do the same here! Would go all through the garage. A friend suggested a plate of water to draw them out? Never really knew if that worked as never had a good idea how many there were.
Never trust a taking fish Delapool!

Yeah the Fiddler Crabs are cool and there are so many stories of them sitting on the top of the tank when their keepers come in just waving their claw, lol.

Good news and bad news.

Good news was I replanted plant and noticed two small leaves - so finally some growth.

Bad news was the roots have been ripped off (except for one), so was very hard to put weight back on.

Fingers crossed but not too hopeful.
Dosed up ferts and got readings of 5ppm nitrates (grr) and over 5ppm phosphates (oops). Bolbitis is taking over tank. Java fern expanding - both still have I think CO2 / nitrate deficiency I think.

Fixed the blocked CO2 diffuser and added an extra half hour. So lights for 7 hours and CO2 for 8 hours. That seems to be dropping ph better. Actually had the ph probe turn injection off which I hadn’t seen for a bit.
Couple of recent photos. Plants are doing better with extra CO2 / nitrates - I’ve just got to dose more on a schedule for ferts.

Rental inspection today so just waiting to see if they say anything on the CO2 bottle.


Thanks, yeah the auction plant is hanging in there in the pot but bit of a lost cause. But I’m thinking I might as well leave the pot there for next auction impulse buy.

The owners of the rental are planning to sell the place but I’m still hoping to be out of there in October anyways. Then get the tank sorted better. Or go bigger!
Plant still hanging in there. Getting some green algae on glass so will have to clean that soon.

Hoping to get some indoor plants and wondering how these would go next to tank? Thinking of getting a stand for them or something.
Hahaha those fish are too, too much - looking at you so innocently, and then also like they got caught!

The Ram almost looks to be smiling about it!

"Who, meeeeee?"

Give them a pot with nothing in it just substrate to rest in (Or did you already do that???) and maybe make a cage to protect the plant.
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