Snapple drinkers, share your cap facts

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
For those of you who do not drink Snapple, I will explain. They have "Real Facts" under their caps. One interesting fact per cap. They are numbered, and I am addicted to knowing the caps. You could go to their website and see all the cap facts at once, but what fun would that be?

So, share your caps with us!

"Real Fact" #124

Seals sleep only one and a half minutes at a time.
There web site has a game where it gives you a cap with two facts on it and then you guess which one is real. Good way to kill some time here at work...
"Real Fact" #380

it is illegal for a portrait of a living person to appear on U.S. postage stamps.

"Real Fact" #121

The only bird that can swim but not fly is the penguin.

"Real Fact" #233

There are seven letters that look the same upside down as right side up.

"Real Fact" #129

Mosquitos have 47 teeth
"Real Fact" #124

Seals sleep only one and a half minutes at a time.

I was playing the game when that one came up. Needless to say I got it right. Although the other (false) factoid was "In Thailand, the hokey-pokey is an extreme sport".

I'll have to stick with the website as I don't drink snapple...
deli_conker said:
I'll have to stick with the website as I don't drink snapple...

I don't drink snapple too often but when I do I am always baffled that the "fact" is most of the time absurd. I feel indignated that they call them "facts" when they aren't really LOL :D
I got a Snapple fact and I saved it just for this site!

"Real Fact" #261

Playing in a Marching Band is considered moderate exercise.

HA! I played in marching band and that was a lot more then moderate exercise it was hard work! :)
thanks for sharing! We have a snapple machine at work, and that is where I get my caps from - I am off this week, so unless I buy it in a store, no Snapple for me!
ooh cool!! Back to work for me tomorrow, so I will definitly get a snapple, lol.
Last week I was taking a vacation and drank snapple, but i didnt remember the numbers! the facts were:
A person swallows eight spider in his/her liftime while sleeping.

A baboon is a type of lemon.
baboon...hmm...never ate a baboon lemon, lol.

There was a really cool one I had today, but I threw it away and can't remember it :(
"Real Fact" #111
Only male turkeys gobble.

"Real Fact" #244
The watermelon-seed spitting world record is about 70 feet
Real Fact#27
A ball of glass bouces higher than a ball of rubber
Real Fact #122
A duck cant walk without bobbing its head.
Real Fact#162
The temp. of the sun can reach 15 million degrees F.
Real Fict #179
The first lighthouse to use electricity was the statue of Liberty in 1886.

I have a 36 pack, you will be hearing from me again...
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