5 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 22, 2008

I posted in the general discussion area as well, but I wanted to get some input specifically on planting a tank. I'm getting more into planted tanks and the more natural look now that I have the time, energy and $$ to do so.

I hve a 5 gallon tank that I want to completely overhaul and redo starting from scratch. I want to make it a planted tank. My 20 gallon is pretty heavily planted, but it didn't start that way, i've never started a tank out as a planted tank so I need some advice please!

1) since i'm breaking down the whole system anyway should i do away with the undergravel filter and get a different kind?

2) what kind of substrate(s) are best for starting a planted tank? Is just regular gravel ok (it seems to be ok in my 20 gallon but if there's something more/better i should do I'd like to hear suggestions)

3) What kind of plants would do well in such a small tank?

Any and all input is welcome, and if you have a suggestion for a kind of plant and a kind of fish that would do well together, that'd be great to hear too!


Well first... welcome! I know you will learn a bunch here, I know I have/am :) !
A 5gall is not a huge space to work with, but it can come out nice!
I would say yes, ditch the UGF, they are of no use in a planted aquarium, plus it would falter the root growth.
Substrates... normal gravel can work, but I prefer eco-complete though its pricey. You could go with a good remedy like potting soil with gravel on top or you could go with fine (quartz) gravel, or pool filter sand. There are many options.
Plants, you can have most stem plants... but nothing that gets big like most amazon swords, some anubias or crypts. I would stick with small species of plants. Also in such a small aquarium I would not use a bunch of plants, I would use maybe 4 species of plants. It just helps keep the natural look. I would personally get a small piece of driftwood and put a piece of anubias nana on it, then have something like crypt wendtii and some stems like rotala indica or something. Also it depends on your lighting that you will have.
Thanks, that is some really useful advice! I appreciate it :)
1. Definately ditch the undergravel filter, it'll save you headaches down the road.
2. I actually like Turface MVP. It's very inexpensive and excellant for plant growth. Hardest part is figuring out where to buy it from. Luckily the manufacturers are very good about responding with sources. Unless you're planning to start several planted tanks or have other uses for it, the 50lbs bag (only $10) will probably be a bit excessive.
3. Don't overlook Mosses. There's quite a bit of variety available and most are very easy to grow with moderate lighting. Anubias Nana, Marsiliea Minuta, Marsiliea quadrifolia, Crypt Lucens, Crypt x Willisii, and Crypt Parva would all be very appropriate for a moderately lit aquarium. With a bit more light there are even more small species that you could try.

For this size tank I'd probably look at Dwarf Cories, Micro Rasboras, OR Shrimp. These smaller fish would allow you to keep a small school, but you're still probably best off keeping it a species tank.
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