Owners of low light tanks (less than 1.5 wpg...)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 15, 2004
I'm looking for some more plants that will grow well at less then 1.5 wpg. The ones in my signature (and gallery) are doing well in my tank, but I'd like some variety.

Any tall ones?
Any ground cover?

Post pictures if you have them!

As far as tall plants, my Anacharis reached the top of my 20 gallon tall tank in about a month. Working on bushing it out a bit now. I've also just added some Cryptocorene and some dwarf lily's. The Crypt's are doing fine other than the rabid pleco attacks. I'm still iffy on the dwarf lily's. I haven't been able to identify exactly what species they are yet. Nearly black leaves with an arrowhead shape. It's supposedly low light, unlike most sun thirsty lily's, but like I said it's an iffy thing I'm waiting to see if it works out.

One side benefit of the anachris, it soaks up nitrates like a sponge. On the down side, it's edible to fish. Most fish won't be able to kill it, but you do end up with small leaves in the filters etc.
I have a few bunches of Java Ferns, a couple of amazon swords (just as an experiment to see if they could strive in low-light), and a couple of crypts. Each are doing well. Take a look at my clicky's for some pics.
you could try narrow leaf java fern, or lace 'windelove' java ferns, and crypt species. low light plants are a pretty short list, but there are lots of exotic low-light crypts out there if you look hard.
You might try some bolbitis, also. Definitely crypts. Marimo balls and the bulb plants like dwarf lilys and aponogeton.
I have a 29 (1.4 wpg) with some tiger lillies (see avatar). They can be found as dry bulbs at walmart.
hashbaz said:
I have a 29 (1.4 wpg) with some tiger lillies (see avatar). They can be found as dry bulbs at walmart.

Thanks. I also looked at your gallery...are those tall plants Amazon Swords? How are they doing?
The tall plant on the right is a cryptocoryne ciliata. I didn't like it and threw it away.

You are correct. The tall plant on the left is an amazon sword. It has changed shape since then. When I bought it, it had the stems with round leaves (see gallery). Now, all the new leaves are more like grass, with no stems and long blades.

It has gotten HUGE! But a lot of leaves were going yellow. I fertilized today for the first time in a couple week so hopefully this will help. But it seems to be doing a lot better than I expected :D
This tank is a 30 gal with 18 watt lamp over it. So nearly 0.5W/gallon!!! Talk about high lighting!

There's Java ferns, Anubias, a crypt, and I had allot of stern plants which grew fine, but I removed them recently.

In my low light tank I have anubias nana, java ferns, java moss, dwarf saggitaria, anacharis, 2 crypts of some sort, an onion and I just bought a bushy grassy plant that I will find out the name of for you, it's really neat. All are doing well. good luck :D
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