Tank Seal Testing, Outdoors.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 10, 2011
Wells Tannery, PA
Ok so im in the works for trying to get a 55 gallon tank. Think is Id perfer to water test it outside my house. What im shooting for is the tank and stand, but getting to the point. I wanna water test it outside, and i dont have any real level place to set the stand and tank.

Sooo I got to thinking, Oh No! Well Can I set the tank on a set of 2x4s on the ground in my yard and fill it up? Im thinking having 3 2x4s, 2 on the ends and one in the middle. Has anyone done this, or Better yet have a better idea?

I figure im gonna water test it for a week or so, mean while keeping it topped off since its been topping Mid 90s the past few days. Any and ALL Advise will not go unread. This is my first large end tank, and I Dont want to start it with 55 gallons of water on my living room floor!

Thanks a Ton!
When testing a tank, it is important that it be on a flat reasonably level surface. Setting it up haphazardly could cause a leak or even a failure. That is to say, if you don't set it up with the same care as you would when setting up inside you can actually put stresses on the tank, that would cause a perfectly good tank to break.
Your idea of placing 2 x 4s on the ground, would work if the pieces of wood could be placed in exactly the same plane, which would be difficult, especially with 3. A lawn would probably be the last place I would try something like this, and would consider myself a bit of a professional, with regards to this type of work, as a millwright. I would look for a place that is more substantial such as a concrete slab, porch or deck.
The house im staying at doesnt have any real porch, or level concrete slabs to set it on sadly, and Another this is I gonna have to pay someone to more it for me. Sadly it wont fit im my car. I might just have to try taking it to a friends house for a week or so.

Any more ideas?
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