Are they worth it?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 16, 2015
Hey everyone I'm kind of new here , but not to fish keeping.
I have been breeding and actually raising GBR for the last year +.
I have sold many(over 300) and still house over 100 that are 6-8 months old and ready go!
This all sounds GREAT until you realize I get 1-2 sets of free swimmers every week!
I'm not sure over the last year if I have raised 10%(probably as low as 5%) of the fry that have actually hatched.
Often parents eat them.
How , when and why the fry don't survive is a mystery to me I can't answer?
This leads me to title of thread(finally!)
Is it time to move to another fish or is there some merit in continuing on in an effort(not completely blind) to improve survival rates.
I have bred fish for years (hobby like you all) and probably just got 25% survival off my first spawn of Pearl gouramis.They seemed(were) almost effortless!
The rams have worn me thin!
I love them and have done my best so far.
Last fall I mixed my lines with stock from yunite(10 little fishies!) and they all breed great,all the time.
I really have no explanation for how I have any at all, when I can kill 3-600 fry every week for a month + at times?
Then I get a good haul?
Are they worth it?
I feel like the angry golfer!:banghead:
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