Starting a 10g

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No problems with it. I quite like it. Seems to be doing fine. We'll see how it goes long term.
There's nothing wrong with impulse buying as long as you know what you're buying impulsively. Nice tank, so far. Wish I had a hand for aquascaping, I'm a complete goof when it comes to it. I wish you the best. You're gonna have lots of fun with this.

Yes. be very careful. I bought a bichir for my 20 gallon and wasn't thinking because i thought he was cool. I had no place for him and he had to suffer for like a week. Now because i would feel bad just dumping him back in the store i am now just gonna break down and turn my 55 gallon which was suppost to be a small fish community tank into a large fish community tank which i was not planning on. So you have to be careful.
yikes etunes! thats too bad..

Well i am kinda proud of myself for owning up to my mistakes. I want to be responsible and have bought fish now according to what i am putting in the tank. When i was little my parents had a 125 or 150 gallon tank (cant remember which). It had all these big fish in it and i figured i would work towards that.
I started with a 10g to "practice". Kept it for about 3 months and then had to go to a 55. Now I want a 125, but gotta wait till we move. I learned all the basics with my 10 and enjoyed it
so much. I could see everything a lot closer . I had three damsels and a star fish plus a few hermits. with weekly water changes, levels stayed fine, but don't know what would have happened long-term as the bug for bigger hit me really quick.
My husband made fun of me cuz I would stare into a 10g with my starter crabs and starfish for hours. Now he's ok with a 125+ as long as we move first so he doesn't have to help move it. <grin>
I'm so glad that you will be sending me money. Just put in my account. 1300 money bags (lol). Hope all is good.
redchick2, if you husband is going to hold out helping you. I think you should hold out on him.

that's cutting off the nose to spite the face lol

the worst part is he spends hundreds on his astronomy stuff so he can photograph far off galaxies and we're having heated discussions right now cuz I want to invest in better lighting.
Hey! dont diss the astronomy! I love astronomy. Its my favorite thing to learn about. I have tons of videos and books on planets, stars, galaxies, quasars, etc.. black holes are my favorite tho! But anyways, redchick, about when you said watching a saltwater tank is more fun than TV.. you are so right!! I went to this restuarant once and they had a huge SW tank and i didnt want to leave because i was so entertained at what was going on in the tank. It honestly is like watching tv. Everything is doing there own thing in the tank and theres so much going on.. too cool.
I'm not dissing astronaomy, my house is full of awsome pics he's taken. I just don't like the fact that he'll spend 500 on a new lense and get all freaky whwn I want to spend a couple hundred on new lights.

He allways says "I'm watching the show" when I sit with my nose against the glass for hours. You're soo right. there is allways something going on in the tank.
Yeah i know i was just kidding with you :p Astronomy is amazing. Hes just being a hypocrite then xD But honestly, even the smallest things that go on in a SW tank are amazing. Like watching inverts sprawl away. Especially gobies that live in the sand. The pop their heads in and out and like drag food into their burrows. So its awesome IMO. Everything about SW is.
amen to that. It's like a soap opera though. Brought my guys back a conch shell from the Bahamas (only thing the captain would let me take off the bottom grrrr) the clowns have hosted in it and it is constantly battle for shell between the supposedly buddy clown fish, the clowns and the damsel, the clowns and cleaning crew, the clowns and me when I try to rearange anything...
Seems like everyone's been having a ball in here. :D I've been a little preoccupied with building my next salt tank (this hobby hit me faaaast o_o) and the new 4 week old kitten we took in after a neighbor found her in a bush. isn't she a cutie? :)


Much more progress has been made on it and the stand, but I like the picture because you get a better idea for the size. i'm about 5'5" :dope:

Back to our regularly scheduled discussion. Diatoms are down. Snails and minimal lighting have helped a lot. Either that or they've taken over so badly I don't notice them D:
Cutie kitten! Orange and grey tabby spots?

Your stand is going to be huge :). What colour will you stain the wood...or will you paint it? I am taking a woodworking class and will be making a stand of my own. I only take the class to use all the fancy equipment :) and the instructor likes tougher projects like making an aquarium stand rather than making bar stools hehehe. I am debating using a stone top or a 4" solid piece of hardwood.
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