Starting a 10g

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My clowns are fully grown and there is plenty of room. This tank is now 5 years old. water tests are good. no health problems with the fish.
Update tiem! So ammonia and nitrates hit zero pretty quickly. Go bio spira. A few days after (i am the belated picture taker/poster), everything still stayed zero. I went to my lfs store looking for a bit of my CUC and maybe a goby. After talking to the owner for a bit, I came out with a clown fish. :] He told me, he was confident the clowns were hardy and would put very little strain on my biological load. I love him. He's cute as anything. He's fascinated by the monitor and loves to watch you tube xD

Well, a few days after that, ohnoz, diatoms. They're *everywhere*. After making sure they would pose no harm to the fish in it, i looked for a solution. I will probably be investing in an RO filter. I think my water has too many silicates. Prime isn't conditioning water the way it should. :(

I went back to my LFS and got some margarita snails, who have helped quite a bit. Unfortunatly, I have fallen pray to impulse buys for the smallest fish i've ever seen. They had baby Hippo Tangs. I'm currently looking at plans for my 150-200g tank to be set up before september (i'm an addict. When I find something I like, I go full tilt till i'm content. A big reef was my last want before i'm content in this hobby. D:) and figured he could grow in the teeny tank until the big tank would be cycled. After being assured that hippo tangs weren't that fragile (they were on my research list for my other tank, so I asked all my questions) and being assured that if acclimated correctly and slowly, ich wouldn't pose too much of an issue, I got him. This tang is about half the size od the clown fish and is the cutest thing in the world. it'll be fun to watch him grow. :)


sorry for the terrible pictures. They all have the flare around them from the glass.
I would think the hepatus tang would end up extremely stressed from being in such a small tank, even though it is only for a couple months. I certainly wouldn't say they are easy to keep... I don't think your LFS is being quite honest with you. :(
everybody has different advice. even though it should be okay to keep him in there short term, get him into the bigger tank as soon as possible.
he didn't say "easy" but he said they'd be fairly hardy and fairly happy if not stressed. Guess i'll get cracking on a bigger tank then D:

I was planning on getting the tank cycling in less than a month. I'll start doing what I can to keep him happy. If he starts looking stressed before I have room for him, i'll say goodbye to little doot. :(
WPG is pretty much useless in saltwater. Factors like tank depth and the light intensity and what kind of light it is are more important.

Agreed, and types of lighting like HO T5 and MH render wpg especially useless. :)
If this is even partially true, your lfs should lose their license. IMO

"Hardy" (I love that term, it's short for they take abuse quite well) and bioload have no correlation. IMO

That tang, regardless of it's size has zero business in a 10g tank IMO

Acclimation has nothing to do with ich, on the other hand stress from cramped environmental conditions may very well. IMO

2 clowns are more than enough in 10g IMO

No anemone belongs in a 10g IMO

You've got 96 watts over 10 gallons? really?

I would be interested to know what the highest point of your ammonia and nitrite readings were before they fell to 0? I seriously question if the tank is cycled or merely 'conditioned'.

Was the LR pre-cured?
'everybody has different advice.' .. but some have been in the hobby for a long time... the saltwater hobby.,

Update tiem! So ammonia and nitrates hit zero pretty quickly. Go bio spira. A few days after (i am the belated picture taker/poster), everything still stayed zero. I went to my lfs store looking for a bit of my CUC and maybe a goby. After talking to the owner for a bit, I came out with a clown fish. :] He told me, he was confident the clowns were hardy and would put very little strain on my biological load. I love him. He's cute as anything. He's fascinated by the monitor and loves to watch you tube xD

Well, a few days after that, ohnoz, diatoms. They're *everywhere*. After making sure they would pose no harm to the fish in it, i looked for a solution. I will probably be investing in an RO filter. I think my water has too many silicates. Prime isn't conditioning water the way it should. :(

I went back to my LFS and got some margarita snails, who have helped quite a bit. Unfortunatly, I have fallen pray to impulse buys for the smallest fish i've ever seen. They had baby Hippo Tangs. I'm currently looking at plans for my 150-200g tank to be set up before september (i'm an addict. When I find something I like, I go full tilt till i'm content. A big reef was my last want before i'm content in this hobby. D:) and figured he could grow in the teeny tank until the big tank would be cycled. After being assured that hippo tangs weren't that fragile (they were on my research list for my other tank, so I asked all my questions) and being assured that if acclimated correctly and slowly, ich wouldn't pose too much of an issue, I got him. This tang is about half the size od the clown fish and is the cutest thing in the world. it'll be fun to watch him grow. :)


sorry for the terrible pictures. They all have the flare around them from the glass.
Impulse buying only gets you into trouble. I look forward to your larger tank being ready asap. Good luck. If you want to spend money; give it to me!!!!
I wish you luck and hope that all goes well. I really would be careful with the impulse buying though because its just what the LFS wants (it seems in your case), and I think 1-2 fish are more than enough for the 10g but small ones, not a hippo tang. I would concentrate more on getting your larger tank started and more importantly fully cycled so you can move your little hippo tang over.

BTW, I wish I could find one that small, hes awesome!
The little hippo tang I hated doing but he's just so teeny D: I couldn't pass up one so small, i'll never see one that tiny again. He's small enough that I don't think a few weeks here and then moving into a shiny new tank all to himself would really harm him. In future all my money will be given to spikey. :D

Though Captain, i'm not sure if your questions are meant merely as an inquiry or in a condescending manner, and if so, they probably would have been nicer if you'd explained.

"You've got 96 watts over 10 gallons? really?" I don't really know what you're getting at with this. :(
Beautiful tang! One of my favorite fish. I kept a blue hippo tang the size of a quarter in my 20 gallon reef until it was about 2". It took less than a year for it to get that big. Be sure to feed it lots of nori. It looks pretty skinny right now.

That's plenty of light for a 10 gallon. I'd get LPS in there ASAP! haha j/k.

There's nothing wrong with impulse buying as long as you know what you're buying impulsively. Nice tank, so far. Wish I had a hand for aquascaping, I'm a complete goof when it comes to it. I wish you the best. You're gonna have lots of fun with this.
He's a little skinny, but he's eating like a pig :D he'll fatten up soon enough. Thank you. :)
Sure, 96 watts over 10 gallons is a tremendous amount of light. I didn't even think you could pack that many lamps over a 10g tank. Could have been a type for all I knew so the question was pretty straight forward... really?=confirm
Sorry Captain. That's how i've always seen condescending answers worded. I'm a little sensitive to it, so I jump at it a little more than I should. I always misread text. It's hard to tell tone.

Yes really. Its a coralife 50/50 quad tube. 20" aqualight deluxe from what I can find on their site. (can't remember and tossed the box Dx )
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