New tank advice

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 2, 2011
Hey guys... I'm need to rehome my five tiger barbs and one pleco... They are currently in a ten gallon... I'm trying to learn.. The most affordable thing for me right now is a 29 g would that be okay??? Also how can I jump start the cycling process ?? Please say that'll work :) lol
Also what is an affordable test kit ?? I got a ph kit and it was worthless..
A 29g is fine for the tiger barbs. However, assuming the pleco is a common pleco, it will soon outgrow the tank. They can grow to 1-2 feet. To jump start the cycling process, you can take existing filter media from your 10g and put it in your 29g's filter. You could also transfer over some gravel from the 10g. Make sure the new tank is cycled first, before you move the fish over.

Flossie said:
Hey guys... I'm need to rehome my five tiger barbs and one pleco... They are currently in a ten gallon... I'm trying to learn.. The most affordable thing for me right now is a 29 g would that be okay??? Also how can I jump start the cycling process ?? Please say that'll work :) lol

Depends... What type of pleco? The barbs should be fine. But it'll be a tiger barb tank. You won't be able to put anything else in it other then the pleco... Assuming it's not the type I think it is.
Flossie said:
Also what is an affordable test kit ?? I got a ph kit and it was worthless..

API freshwater master kit. 32 bucks. Seems pricey now... But in the long run you'd wind up spending more replacing fish without it.
Also what is an affordable test kit ?? I got a ph kit and it was worthless..

API Freshwater Master Kit is recommended. Kit includes the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and higher pH liquid test. Liquid test are better that strip test. They are more accurate and affordable.
Well, for what it's worth, a 29G would probably be okay for the barbs, but the pleco...? Hard to say. :-\ See, I have one too, and common plecos get HUGE, some up to a foot long. They have a pretty big bio load too, so it's going to eventually outgrow a 29G.

If it's a bristlenose or clown pleco, you could get away with it.

For test kits? I use API Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate liquid test kits. I recommend against the paper/strip tests since they tend to have accuracy issues. Each kit was about 8 dollars, though I've seen all three together for about 20.

Jump starting the cycling process is a loaded question... A lot of different things claim to add bacteria that speed up your cycling process. I use StressZyme, myself, which isn't bacteria that needs to grow for your biological filter. Instead, it's bacteria that take gunk in your gravel and turn it INTO ammonia. BioSpira seems to be the only thing that speeds up the cycle, but I've never used it so I can only go on what I've heard.
CoyoteWildfire said:
Well, for what it's worth, a 29G would probably be okay for the barbs, but the pleco...? Hard to say. :-\ See, I have one too, and common plecos get HUGE, some up to a foot long.

More like 2 feet, and they grow FAST. Full grown in 6 months.
Wow guys thank you so much for all the advice.. The vote on the test kit seems unanimous ... Lol I did find it online for around 25 dollars!!! Woot. Tetra makes one with the Same stuff for 17. is it any good ??? Also, I'm trying to decide if I actually want to buy and cycle another tank or just get the one I have under control since I'm kind of unlearned about it all... I may just donate my barbs to a fish place and find something with a little less attitude ;) I hate to see them go but a larger tank as some have said may not solve the problem of aggression .. I'm kind of a tender hearted softy and I don't like bullies lol lol ;) been thinking about glofish or a couple koi swordtails but ive not done a whole lot if researching on them just yet. Thank you guys. You have all been so great;)
Oh yeah and mr :( the sign at petsmart just said common pleco so I assume he's just a common fella ... Lol I did it all wrong
Flossie said:
Oh yeah and mr :( the sign at petsmart just said common pleco so I assume he's just a common fella ... Lol I did it all wrong

Just return him or trade him fir a rubberlip or bristlenose pleco.
I agree with all of the above regarding the test kits, API Master is the best choice. A Common Pleco will be a problem in anything less than a 75, but coyote is correct that a bristle nose, clown, or an odonis will work fine. I have a male BN pleco in a 29g and he is abuot 5 inches, just needs cover even when larger. Now, I jump started my cycling process by placing a piece of rotting meat in the tank until it was obvious that the cycle had started. I then removed the meat and waited a week or two after cycle was complete to move to the next stages. The biowheel was running all this time too, I then added plants and other structure and allowed about two weeks for bacterial to colonize on these surfaces. Then I added fish, and you can turn the heater to 86 degrees DURING THE CYCLE ONLY for the bacteria's sake. Turn back down once fish are added. I hope this helps, if it a common pleco see if your lfs can do a trade. I did with a black molly and two danios.
To Homedog98,
Hope you are feeling better! I just read your post here and have never heard of a rubberlip pleco. I'll have to check it out, thanks.
Oh yeah and mr :( the sign at petsmart just said common pleco so I assume he's just a common fella ... Lol I did it all wrong

Some fish stores will be willing to take larger plecos once it outgrows your tank. Do you have an LFS around that might do that? I know that my boyfriend is really attached to his common pleco, so we are going to keep it until it outgrows our space, then donate it to a friend with a big tank. But our LFS also said they take big plecos in!
Amicus said:
To Homedog98,
Hope you are feeling better! I just read your post here and have never heard of a rubberlip pleco. I'll have to check it out, thanks.

Ya, I'm feeling much better! The rubberlip is about the same as the BN, just about an inch smaller, doesn't have any bristles, has a big attitude, and doesn't really eat much algae. It's better for people that just want a pleco because they want a pleco (me) and aren't for people that want them to get rid of algae. Those people should get a BN.
I don't think anywhere around here will trade.... Unfortunately they take "donations" which stinks cause I give them six of my fish and have to buy more from them
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