150g planted tank co2/ferts help

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 13, 2011
Tampa, Florida
I have a 150g planted tank.

Currently planted with Flora Max:
Swords, Cabomba, Lutea, Vals, Jungle Val, and Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis'

I'm looking at a Miluakee regulator

Wanted to make sure they are decent..I've read around and researched and seem to get good reviews.

And for liquid/dry ferts

what is the best way to go and what brands?
I have had one for years and I love it.

If you buy it from eseasongear they give you free CO2 proof tubing with it.

$89 - Milwaukee MA957 CO2 Regulator, Free Priority Shipping!

I bought mine from them and several other members have as well - they are reputable.

For ferts -
http://www.aquariumfertilizer.com is good. Mixing dry ferts is definitely the way to go money-wise. If you want to go liquid, seachem comprehensive, N, P, and K are good. I also like http://www.pfertz.com/ but they are more expensive.
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I had had one for years and I love it.

If you buy it from eseasongear they give you free CO2 proof tubing with it.

$89 - Milwaukee MA957 CO2 Regulator, Free Priority Shipping!

I bought mine from them and several other members have as well - they are reputable.

Would you recommend I buy the package with the controller as well?
I didn't look much into how good the Milwaukee controllers were.

I have money to spend...not a ton to buy super expensive stuff but I want to buy a decent setup.

Didn't know if people really recommended having a controller right away or just look into it down the road.
Well, I own an SMS122 pH controller. It is a neat toy - but a timer will work just fine too. Using a pH controller is the most precise way to inject CO2, but it is a lot of expense for not much benefit. I am one who likes the toys and likes to mess around, so I like having it. The one I have is still working strong. I did replace the pH probe after about 2 years, which is about standard I think. The probes don't last forever. It is easy to calibrate and works very well. You might find something better to spend your dough on that will provide more benefit... a personal choice I guess.
Well, I own an SMS122 pH controller. It is a neat toy - but a timer will work just fine too. Using a pH controller is the most precise way to inject CO2, but it is a lot of expense for not much benefit. I am one who likes the toys and likes to mess around, so I like having it. The one I have is still working strong. I did replace the pH probe after about 2 years, which is about standard I think. The probes don't last forever. It is easy to calibrate and works very well. You might find something better to spend your dough on that will provide more benefit... a personal choice I guess.

Well I like toys too, don't think I'd buy much more than a controller for it if I did. Once I buy my other HO that the store has been taking forever to get, I'll only have a few plants left and ferts before I stock more fish.

I like being precise so I'll look into it more. I get paid in a week so I'll have plenty to spend.

And as far as the ferts...on the website Planted Aquarium Fertilizer - Main, Main, Dry Fertilizers, Dry Fertilizers,
what should I be looking to buy since there are 13 items?
KH2PO4 - For dosing Phosphate
KNO3 - For dosing Nitrogen (and some potassium)
K2SO4 - For dosing Potassium
Plantex CSM+B - For dosing micronutrients

This will provide pretty much everything you need - some also benefit from a GH booster. I dose Seachem Fe instead of dry dosing chelated iron, so that may or may not be of benefit.
KH2PO4 - For dosing Phosphate
KNO3 - For dosing Nitrogen (and some potassium)
K2SO4 - For dosing Potassium
Plantex CSM+B - For dosing micronutrients

This will provide pretty much everything you need - some also benefit from a GH booster. I dose Seachem Fe instead of dry dosing chelated iron, so that may or may not be of benefit.

Well here is the deal...
My friend and I have gotten to know one of the employees at MarineWarehouse where we buy plants and fish.

When I bought my swords I asked for 2 and Steve said he'd make me a deal and give me 5 for $30 (they are $11 plants)

I got 2 swords that were in pretty good condition and then the rest needed some attention.

Should I be more worried about getting ferts or co2 first to help?
For swords, probably neither CO2 or dry ferts added to the water column will help much.

It will be about lighting for them. They would benefit from some root tabs placed right underneath them as well. Seachem and a few other companies make root tabs. You can usually get them at the chain pet stores and online.
For the swords I would stuff soem root tabs aroudnthe bases, CO2 and water coloumn dosing kind of depends on your lighting situation.
For swords, probably neither CO2 or dry ferts added to the water column will help much.

It will be about lighting for them. They would benefit from some root tabs placed right underneath them as well. Seachem and a few other companies make root tabs. You can usually get them at the chain pet stores and online.

Well right now I have one DeepBlue Solarmax HO and 2 fixtures that came with the tank. They are older with a 10k attinic and 8k. I have to replace those bulbs.
Hopefully the shipment has made it to MarineWarehouse so I can pick up the other light.

And do tabs do more for certain plants than others? My friend got API tabs and said he didn't notice any difference, he has HO's and DIY co2.
Yes, root tabs are more effective for heavy root feeders. They also have to be placed right under the roots to be effective.
Yes, root tabs are more effective for heavy root feeders. They also have to be placed right under the roots to be effective.

Alright, I'll look into the rootmedic tabs. Probably pick up some from the store to hold me over til I get those.

Back to co2...are diffusers or direct line into a canister recommended? I have a Fluval 405 running as well as the sump and a Fluval U3 in the sump. I've seen and read about people who just run it directly into the output on the can?
Running it inline works well. My concern with that setup would be you have a lot of water moving/falling in the sumps and in the tank, which will off gas a lot of the CO2 you are trying to inject. Not to say it won't work, but try and keep water movement at the surface of the sump and the tank to a minimum to prevent off gassing.
Running it inline works well. My concern with that setup would be you have a lot of water moving/falling in the sumps and in the tank, which will off gas a lot of the CO2 you are trying to inject. Not to say it won't work, but try and keep water movement at the surface of the sump and the tank to a minimum to prevent off gassing.

The intake is in the right overflow and the output is about 7 inches down and a little back toward the left.
And I bought threaded elbows for the output pipes for the sump so i can adjust them so there is no surface movement..it's not bad though right now there is light movement. And in the sump there is little surface movement other than the filter but the output is pointed toward the opposite wall.
I would love to help you but I cant without a tank pic. Sorry (I know nothing about co2 but I wanna see your tank lol)
I would love to help you but I cant without a tank pic. Sorry (I know nothing about co2 but I wanna see your tank lol)

Sorry, I posted pics on the other 2 threads when I started the build and then one for plants..I'll post some
I would love to help you but I cant without a tank pic. Sorry (I know nothing about co2 but I wanna see your tank lol)

left side

right side


the pics are bad...shitty phone.
Bueatiful tank though!

Thanks man..It's coming along a lot faster than I had planned. The plan wasn't to have fish until January but I ended up buying 12 Prestilas.

Once the swords recover it'll be looking great
and some more plants of course

I special ordered Christmas Moss from where I got my plants so hopefully it comes in before too long. That's going on the rocks on the right.
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