DIY substate, murky conditions!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 30, 2012
Memphis, TN
Started up a new 25 gal freshwater tank last night, Went the organic miracle grow topped with sand. Trying to cut down the initial costs. The aqua scape looks nice but the water is murky. I have enough material to start over today if needed, but would rather not! I didn't rinse the soil, probably should have. Would a large scale water change help, or should I ride it out? Any suggestions?
Did you use the mix or soil? The soil has some weird things in it like cow manure and can spike paramaters. I've read that the mix is better to use but this is just from reading others' experiences as I haven't used them myself.

The cloudiness is probably from not rinsing it. It should settle.
Actually you want to buy Organic Potting Soil not Potting "mix". Also you never rinse dirt. How deep a layer of soil and sand did you use? I have dirted tanks, my largest is a 220g. Can you post a picture? There are two things you might be seeing. First if you didn't rinse the sand good enough you could have dirt/dust in the water from that. Second when you dirt a tank you will have tannins being released in the water for awhile. You need to do a 50% WC and see how the tank looks the next day. Continue this for up to a week if needed. Also if you run some Purgen in your filter it will absorb tannins very good and will also help polish your water.
I used Miracle Grow organic GARDEN soil. Not POTTING soil.... I noticed that it does contain manure in it but in a small quantity. I hope that won't have a negative effect. Thanks for any additional tips and or advise!
Changed out 90% of the water, added a new layer of rinsed sand/small river rock combo. Added 25 gallons with a 16oz blue solo cup! Was determined not to upset the substrate. So far it looks dramatically better. Hope it stays that way! Thanks for any tips or suggestions!

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