Breeding Paradise Fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 10, 2012
near Sedalia Missouri
My male paradise fish started being a little construction worker the other day and began working on a bubble nest. It's grown to quite an impressive size but the female still won't go near it :(
I hate the waiting game

<Edit> Well it seems that I've posted double pictures, oops lol


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they do build very extravagant bubble nest. she looks ready so maybe any time. i love watching there ritual its very elegant how they do it
Thanks Bob!
How do I know if she is ready? How do I in fact know that it is a she and not a juvenile male? I has spoken about it last night on chat and was informed that it might be a female but the user wasn't 100% on that but then again neither am I.
He does chase her quite a bit. I've been trying to keep a close eye on them to make sure he doesn't hurt her. But she doesn't even seem to want anything to do with the nest. Its been almost a week (I think) now since he's started building it and still nothing.
A gravid female paradise fish is an easy thing to see. She will be well rounded in her abdomen. If yours is not distinguishable, you may not have a breedable female at the moment. Males tend to be larger, have longer finnage and are more slender. You can use a gravid female Betta compared to a mature male Betta as a guide. The difference in body shape is very apparent. The same holds for almost all labrynth fish. If your supposed female paradise is not nice and full bellied, just make sure the male doesn't beat the crap out of her. ;) In that case, I'd up the protein rich foods to help her produce the eggs. Good luck.
Well I was in for a big surprise tonight


He is being very attentive to the eggs and spends allot of his time moving them and putting bubbles over them. :)
I will update with more pictures soon
Congrats (y)I knew you'd figure it out. ;)

Thanks Andy for all the advice. Over the past few days he has been downright awful to her, I was even contemplating on pulling her out again this morning glad I didn't. Last night he started building yet another nest (he had three total) I guess this one caught her fancy.

Thanks Andy for all the advice. Over the past few days he has been downright awful to her, I was even contemplating on pulling her out again this morning glad I didn't. Last night he started building yet another nest (he had three total) I guess this one caught her fancy.

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Yeah, Not all fish breeding is a beautiful "Dance". Sometimes it's downright nasty. Many of my cichlids looked like they had lost a 12 round fight right before they started laying eggs. Go figure :confused: This is why it is so important to have areas of protection in the breeding tank for the females to get away from an over aggressive/ eager male.
Just remember, it's infusoria for the fry once they become free swimming (y)
Just remember, it's infusoria for the fry once they become free swimming (y)

Yea this is the process that I forgot about, I had been saving a bag of lettuce just for the occasion but threw it out a few weeks back. I was not fully ready for them to spawn, I will admit :(
But I have a few days and am starting on it tomorrow

Yours are so pretty. The one I have looks nothing like that. He is so plain.

Why thank you, they are Red Paradise. I've been looking into a pair of Black Paradise but only time will tell if I get them
Yeah, I see 'em. I see Johnny and Suzy and Cindy and Jerry and Chris and Kris and June and Charlie and Billy and William and Joe and Carol and....... :ROFLMAO:

Haha your going to have to come up with a whole lot more than that.
I started my culture this morning for them so I'll have to give that a few days before that's ready.
Papa is still being a good father, I am setting up a separate tank for him to go into as well in a few days away from mama, she needs time to heal from him. She is already back into the community tank.
Haha your going to have to come up with a whole lot more than that.
I started my culture this morning for them so I'll have to give that a few days before that's ready.
Papa is still being a good father, I am setting up a separate tank for him to go into as well in a few days away from mama, she needs time to heal from him. She is already back into the community tank.

...and I see Karen and Richard and Julie and April and Matt and Max and Stephen and Steve... :ROFLMAO: You get the picture :D
Congrats. Get them to the next level (y)
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