Aquarium Advice Activist
What is an aggressive fish I can put in a 90 gallon tank. I already have a cichlid so not another one. I wanted a peacock bass but I think that is out of the cards.
You can buy my freshwater barracudas
a gar, a red tail catfish
What type of gar and no way a red tail cat can fit in that tank for long
oh sorry, i didn't see your tank info, only saw the "aggressive" part
I have three at 5-6" for $60 plus shipping if your interested
They are schoolers so I would want to sell them as a group
what kind of cichlid do you already have?
a picture would be nice to help with the IDA jack Dempsey and some type of African one, it is orangish and has red eyes
a picture would be nice to help with the ID