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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 14, 2013
I love the look of the tanks with ground covering. I bought one bunch if glossostigma at myLFS and them realized it was the plant I was wanting. Does anyone have their tank bottom covered with this plant. Any suggestions for a healthy and beautiful looking covered ground? How many bunches did you use?
What are your tank params? Lighting? Ferts? Co2? Tank size. This all factors into it.

I have an LED light (cane with the kit), I yet seachem's flourish and Excel. My tank is 20gal. I am not sure about the params. What exactly do you need to know. My rank had only been up since 6/1 so everything us just getting settled/cycled.
i don't think you're going to cover the tank with that LED light. higher light is needed plus a rich substrate with co2 supplement.
usual parameters include temp, pH, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia. you can also include hardness and others if you want to. but the usual parameters are usually sufficient
Yeah you'll most likely need to upgrade the lighting. Most LED lighting that come in those kits are suitable for fish-only, low light plants at best. Look into getting a Finnex Fugeray or Ray 2. Substrate should be something like eco complete or better. And co2 supplementation , pressurized or DIY.
Yeah you'll most likely need to upgrade the lighting. Most LED lighting that come in those kits are suitable for fish-only, low light plants at best. Look into getting a Finnex Fugeray or Ray 2. Substrate should be something like eco complete or better. And co2 supplementation , pressurized or DIY.

:( I will have to wait to upgrade. I just lost my job so money is kind of short. It sucked that this happened after I got started with my set up. Either there is much more available for tanks or I am just learning more. I had tanks about 10 years ago and didn't have anything special. Maybe I just got lucky because the did great.
Glosso is pretty light hungry as far as foregrounds go. If it doesn't like the light available, it will grow up rather than out and look unruly. I agree that stock LEDs are usually not bright enough to support anything beyond the most hardy of low light species. Glosso is also a species that really needs co2 to make those lush foregrounds that people see, and even under good conditions it can refuse to cooperate, which is what it did to me until I decided to tear it out and replace it with something more user friendly.

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