Aquarium Advice Addict
Looks like a feather duster of some sort
Looks like a feather duster of some sort
Yeah I think you're right. I planned on buying one, so free things are okay with me!
Okay guys so I'm getting a few more snails and one fish tomorrow. I'm thinking one ocellaris clownfish for now. What do you think?
Good choice, I would go with 1 of them or a firefish
Could be hosting the corner of your tank, I had a pair of clowns that hid behind my skimmer for the first six months! Just make sure it's eating and looks healthy and keep your water in check. Unless he is displaying itching or heavy breathing he should be fine, clowns can be very strange creatures!
Could make so you have a moutain of rock on one side an have it leading down to the bare side at an angle
Also, before I move around my tank, I have a quick question. Should I go topless, or glass top on my tank? I might ditch the firefish because it can jump out in a topless. No top would be easier and prettier, but my tank is close to the ground- within reach of my cats. Also I'll have to really keep up with topping off the tank. So what's everyone's opinions? Will the cats do anything? They seem really interested right now.