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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 1, 2012
Hammond, LA
A few fish I picked up tonight.


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AHH! I've always loved Royal plecos. I've got a Rhino pleco right now. What type of cichlid is that on image 2?
Copy cat!! LOL just kidding The severums have great color! What are the geos??
Ohhh geophagus? Maybe I didn't spell that right, but now I know what they are! Nice fish! :)
How long on average for the Geophagus to reach full size? I realy like the look of them at full size
Geos are very slow growers. If you want adults, your best bet is going to be to buy adults, however, be ready to drop a chunk of change, as most adult geos come with a nice price tag, as it takes so long to grow most out

And btw, nice geos Cbourg! I'm sure HUKIT will have something to say about the severums (he hates them for some reason) lol
Geos are very slow growers. If you want adults, your best bet is going to be to buy adults, however, be ready to drop a chunk of change, as most adult geos come with a nice price tag, as it takes so long to grow most out

And btw, nice geos Cbourg! I'm sure HUKIT will have something to say about the severums (he hates them for some reason) lol

Thanks and you are correct. They tend to grow rather slow in most cases. Some slower than others. My altifrons purchased in January this year came in at 3" and have just reached the 5" mark where the winemilleri I got around the same time are barely 3.5"and they came in at 2.5"
Thanks and you are correct. They tend to grow rather slow in most cases. Some slower than others. My altifrons purchased in January this year came in at 3" and have just reached the 5" mark where the winemilleri I got around the same time are barely 3.5"and they came in at 2.5"

My pindare were purchased in December last year at 2", they're all at about the 4" now (eyeballed)
They're stupid looking poor man's discus...remember you asked!

Brutally honest there huh bud! I liked them and found they had great color for juvies. Plus to show I'm not in the poor house I did get a red pigeonblood discus to add to the group. Lol


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