New tank. Ideas?

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One thing you need to realise that artificial aquariums are not the ideal place for fish, planted tanks or tanks with stones create the proper natural environment for your fish and were they come from, you can theme your tank as you want be it is not ideal.

One thing you need to realise that artificial aquariums are not the ideal place for fish, planted tanks or tanks with stones create the proper natural environment for your fish and were they come from, you can theme your tank as you want be it is not ideal.

I'm sure what I am giving them is probably much better than the breeding farms they came from.
With a set up like that, it limits the fish/animals you can keep. Loaches dig a lot and need soft sand so they don't scratch up their faces. Most shrimp do best with something that offers lots of nooks and crannies to hide in while molting. The paradise fish need decorations without sharp edges or they'll shred their fins on them. Killifish need coconuts or spawning mops if you want them to breed. A relatively bare tank with gravel and artificial decorations does not work very well for any of them.

Everyone's allowed to decorate/set up their tank however they want, and artificial can be done well, but it definitely needs a lot of careful planning and aquascaping to ensure it still meets the needs of the fish.
I'm planning on Some artificial decor in the middle, with few plants, and surrounding the edges with heavy/medium plants, I'm also MAYBE gonna put a small piece of driftwood, not sure how it would look
Driftwood will definitely help if you can find a way to make it fit into the layout. It serves as cover and a prime location for microfauna to grow so your fish and shrimp have something to forage and pick at. It also helps lower the ph and soften the water if you have naturally hard and alkaline tap water like most people do. I strongly recommend you consider swapping the gravel to soft sand if you want to have any loaches or catfish in the future.
I'm most likely going to get some black sand as my substrate, as I think it looks very nice. The Picture I added was one I found from. The web in case there was any confusion :)
Just wanted you guys to see the kind of theme I had in mind, not necessarily going to use the exact same decor. I know that I will have to get different substrate, use a lot more plants, and definitely make it look more natural. :)
Driftwood will definitely help if you can find a way to make it fit into the layout. It serves as cover and a prime location for microfauna to grow so your fish and shrimp have something to forage and pick at. It also helps lower the ph and soften the water if you have naturally hard and alkaline tap water like most people do. I strongly recommend you consider swapping the gravel to soft sand if you want to have any loaches or catfish in the future.

My 10'gallon tank's Ph is actually rather low, at 6.4 ish. Is this bad??
For most fish, yes that is low, but some (mostly south american sp.) Do good with it. What fish are in it?

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Those fish should be fine in 6.4 ph. The guppies may prefer more hard/alkaline, but they're adaptable enough that 6.4 should be ok.
If you don't have live plants then your tank light is for your benefit only so you can see the fish. Ambient room lighting is all the fish need for health.
I found this really nice,good reviewed, fairly priced 50 gallon which is bow front. Will that cause trouble, or will it be OK? I believe it's glass
What filter should I get?
Final fish and tank:

50 Gallon, bowfront.

2 Bolivian Rams

6 Kuhli Loaches

8 Rummy nose tetras

10 guppies

Possibly a few endlers.

What filter? Is black sand with plants OK?
Black sand is fine, just make sure you either layer it on top of a plant substrate (layerite, eco-complete, flourite, or dirt) or stick root tabs at regular intervals.

I'm a big fan of canister filters, but a HOB would work instead if you're strapped for cash.

Also, if you have endlers and guppies they will interbreed, which may limit the number of people that will take the babies.
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