2014 MACNA a few pics

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Here is the album with a few pics from the convention.

Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Autumnsky's Album: MACNA 2014

This was my favorite, the tank over flowed at the sides and went into the tray, visible from the lower sides/bottom, awesome!!!

From ORA

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Very cool -- thanks for sharing. I have always wanted to go, but it has never worked out.

They make those zero edge overflow tanks not far from me here in Chicagoland. One of our local fish stores has a few of them setup. They look neat if it is setup correctly, but the really large ones have to be exactly level or it is messed up. The other challenge is you have to clean twice as much glass... the outside of the glass gets growth on it too since it is constantly covered in water.

I think they are neat show pieces, but impractical... unless you have someone come in and scrub them for you every 2 days :).
Very cool -- thanks for sharing. I have always wanted to go, but it has never worked out.

They make those zero edge overflow tanks not far from me here in Chicagoland. One of our local fish stores has a few of them setup. They look neat if it is setup correctly, but the really large ones have to be exactly level or it is messed up. The other challenge is you have to clean twice as much glass... the outside of the glass gets growth on it too since it is constantly covered in water.

I think they are neat show pieces, but impractical... unless you have someone come in and scrub them for you every 2 days :).

Thanks for slapping me in the face and waking me up out of my dream..., kidding of course! Well good to know that maintenance would be killer. I would NOT want to clean all that inside and out every week even. I don't have such a simple life that I could make that happen! Not I don't want one...as much :lol:

Next time, not next year as it will be in Washington DC, I will get the full weekend pass and hear the speakers. Wasn't feeling that well and didn't get to do as much as I would have liked to. Also they were shutting down the convention floor just after 3pm. It was completely over by 4pm, and I had thought it was til 6pm. :huh:
Lovely photos! Thanks for sharing! I wished that I could have gone. :( I think my favorite picture was #11. The water looks pristine! And I have to agree that the long finned clowns look absolutely stunning!! I want! :)
Sorry you weren't feeling well to enjoy it to the fullest!
Lovely photos! Thanks for sharing! I wished that I could have gone. :( I think my favorite picture was #11. The water looks pristine! And I have to agree that the long finned clowns look absolutely stunning!! I want! :)
Sorry you weren't feeling well to enjoy it to the fullest!

Thank you.

The other nice thing about that tank you said you like is the new light on it available from Current USA, it is an advanced reef light option, but not available yet. Soon though. It has all the colors recommended for reef systems growth and controls.

All of the lighting companies I spoke with, except Buildmyled had dimmable, controls with a remote or WiFi and a more broad spectrum of color for reef growth which better fits the optimum lighting for health of corals in studies.

Things like 2 color whites, 3 and maybe 4 color reds, 3-4 color blues and violets. More closely matching a real light spectrum.

I am not even technologically advanced or aware as so many in SW, but these things were really exciting.

The other fun was talking to the owners, creators and builders of the products. I had a decent conversation with Dr. Timothy Hovanec of Dr. Tim's One and Only" for reefs and FW tanks. Talked to Howard the repair tech for Finnex. Several other which I didn't even know they were the big shots till after.
How cool is that??
That sounds really awesome about the light technology. I'm horrible with light systems (in FW, couldn't imagine SW!), but all of that sounds great. I fail to understand the wifi connection thing, but I guess that is neat too!
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