Can I have a male siamese fighter with other fish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 4, 2017
I have a 60 litre tank that I got, and have set, and have put all my fish in. It has been running for about a week, I just got more fish 2 days ago. A fist once my tank stood for a few days after being set, I added a paradise, (which I later removed because it was attacking my male siamese fighter and chasing around my female siamese fighter), I also added 2 plecostomus, and a male and female siamese fighter. 2 days later after having the fish in, I removed my paradise to another tank, the day I removed the paradise I added 3 rainbow platys
fish (of which I found 2 where pregnant) a silver shark, and another female siamese. And will soon get 2 mollies. I wanted to know if my siamese male is okay with these fish, and will not attack them, and I would not like to breed. Please and thankyou for advice.
In a 60 liter? Sure if the Betta is added last and the fish are not a tgreat to tge betta and there is lots of decor or plants and can deal with the temps needed for a Betta.

The thing is you don't want fin nippers and you want no other Bettas.

Good options are like Endlers and shrimp. There are however others...
Thanks, it would be okay with the 2 female siamese? They seen fine so far
Thanks, it would be okay with the 2 female siamese? They seen fine so far
With or without a male? Usually females are better in odd numbers without a male though usually you want closer to 80 liters. 60 is close enough you may get away with it if you have lots of decide and plants. No male though.
With or without a male? Usually females are better in odd numbers without a male though usually you want closer to 80 liters. 60 is close enough you may get away with it if you have lots of decide and plants. No male though.
[emoji27] [emoji85] I have 1 male and 2 females
Are they young? The aggression is usually more prevalent as they get older. And if he breeds with one... after the eggs are in the best he will consider both females to be a danger to the babies and attack. Also... They birth often around a hundred babies...
I personally feel this is a bloodbath waiting to happen, but... maybe that's just me.

You want to put one of the few common fish truly designed to live alone, in a tank with other bright fish, with females of his own kind, and not have breeding or injury/death?

I think you'll end up with breeding quickly followed by death.

It is, however, your call.
Keep the females and male separate, too much can go wrong with keeping them together.
To breed bettas, you need to slowly introduce the male and female by having their tanks next to each other for a week, then placing her in a clear jar in his tank for a few minutes a few times a day for several days, then adding her directly to his tank for a few minutes several times a day for several days, wait for them to show they're ready to breed.
Once ready (he's nested and she's displaying stripes) you can add the female into his tank, and watch closely.

It's brutal. They attack, they fight, he beats her into submission, and finally wraps his body around her, and squeezes the eggs out of her. Literally. Several times.

As soon as mating is complete, she needs taken out. If she survives, she needs to go straight into her own tank and be treated for her injuries.
He will now tend to the eggs, but will probably also need treatment.

So, in short...
No. I would not risk male and female together.
As many have said... No I wouldn't put them together. Asking for a bloodbath.
I third that, wow that needs some rethinking. OP, please stop adding fish, and take back whatever silver shark you just put in, and the plecos.

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