Cichlids acting strange

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 10, 2017
I need some advice... I have noticed the last week or so my Kenyi Cichlids are literally scratching on everything..the sand, the rocks, the plants, pretty much anything they can find. After doing some research I figured out they prob have some sort of parasite or so I’m guessing. So I went and got general cure because that seemed to be what most ppl suggested. It didn’t seem to change anything.. so I waited a couple more days after doing a water change and got Kordon rapid cure. Today is day 2 of treating but last night I started to notice that some of my Kenyi’s have a black color around there mouth...?? Is this normal? And I’ve also noticed some tremor like movements from a couple of them after I put the treatment in? Normal? I’m not sure.. and lastly I’ve noticed one of my kenyi is chasing everyone else around in the tank which happens on ocassion but not like this. I’m concerned this is to much for them but I’m not sure. I guess I just don’t know what is happening. I know about flashing but this appears to be more than that. But I also don’t see any spots or anything weird on them besides what I mentioned above. Any ideas or help would be much appreciated


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I don't see Ick or Oodinium. Flashing does not always indicate parasites. Dominate Cichlids will sometimes flash to display their dominance. Kind of like a gorilla beating it's chest. Water chemistry imbalances, especially after a WC can irritate gills, causing flashing. When fish shimmy, often a mating invitation, or an aggression warning. As for one particular agressive fish chasing all the others; Welcome to the world of keeping African Mbuna. You will have to figure out how to change up the hardscape as to break line of sight and provide additional hiding spots. It might take a while to attain a balance. In the mean time, less meds and more attention to water quality.
I have been changing the water about 25-30% every 4-5 days because I do notice a lot of waste and I did also read that water could be the reason but I checked all my parameters last night again and there all fine. There was nothing off there and correct me if I’m wrong but everything I read said white stringy poo was another sign which is what I noticed originally hence why I started treating. And there all doing it even the smaller ones and quite frequently do dominance being shown in all of them? My main concern is there doing it all the time. I don’t know I try to not use meds but there def doing it much less now that I did put that in the tank.
The problem might be gill flukes. Your noted meds probably will be able to handle that type of
bug. Successful Mbuna management is not an easy assignment. If you can sustain a Mbuna tank, you can handle just about any type of setup.
Lol yes this has been quite the task so far but I haven’t lost any yet. What is the difference between a parasite and a skin fluke? And should one treatment be enough it says maximum is 3 daily treatments then 25% water change before dosing again. I don’t know what I would do without the help from all of you. Lol I’d be lost
Looks to me like a few of your female Kenyi are ready to spawn. I can tell when mine are ready to because the females start showing that belly, that can easily be mistaken for being sick, which it can but by what your describing behavior wise, sounds like the males are showing off and trying to get as many females to spawn with him and not the other guys. IME with Kenyi they will loose all color and barring when sick/stressed and darken ect. When angry or ready to spawn. They also do mark territory and do it allot. Have you noticed if you stare at them they start flashing even more? Cause mine start to get pissed if I'm watching them to long. Just wanted to share some thoughts. I started out with Mbuna.I litterally thought they where sick ect. All the time. Cichlids in general are so unique. Finally told myself, if they were really sick, they'd be dead by now. Still have to remind myself of that with my Haps and Peacocks. Lol.
Oh and Gill Flukes are a parasite. Simple way of explaining it. Parasite is like Cancer. Gill fluke would be lung cancer.
Good luck and nice fish.
Thanks. Yes they definitely get mad if I look at them for to long. I’m not sure I’m not one to run for meds unless necessary but like I said white stringy poo is not normal right? Maybe they are ready to spawn I’m not sure but one of my bigger ones is being a complete jerk the last couple days since I started doing the treatment.
Stringy poop, can indicate constipation or some type of intestinal issue. It likely would not have anything to do with flashing. A fish with a gut infection becomes lethargic and usually stops feeding.
Ok so maybe I am just over thinking this.. so what do you think would be best to do at this point? Finish the last day of the rapid cure... or don’t and do a water change and put my carbon back In to pull the medicine out of the water and wait and see what happens? I don’t want to be treating them if it’s not necessary.. thanks sorry so many questions
I was trying to upload a video to show you what I’m talking about but it looks like my videos are not uploading just the photos correct?
I would finish the meds as directed, then do a 50% WC. Things will get better as you gain experience. Expect to lose a few along the way. Cichlids in general aren't easy, but Africans are especially difficult. Don't buy any expensive ones for a while.
Ok.. so as I’ve shut all the lights out for the night and I’m sitting here watching I think they may be spawning... ? and that would explain the reason the male I was talking about is acting the way he was.. I guess I will just wait and see what happens. But I will continue and do the water change like suggested. And yes I won’t be buying any expensive ones for awhile.. I need to figure these guys out first. Luckily I have a friend that breeds kenyi so that’s where most of mine have come from..
Ok.. so as I’ve shut all the lights out for the night and I’m sitting here watching I think they may be spawning... ? and that would explain the reason the male I was talking about is acting the way he was.. I guess I will just wait and see what happens. But I will continue and do the water change like suggested. And yes I won’t be buying any expensive ones for awhile.. I need to figure these guys out first. Luckily I have a friend that breeds kenyi so that’s where most of mine have come from..
Sounds like you already have figured out allot. IME once they start spawning, it's their life and continue to do so in a pretty predictable manner.
Well I hope this male gets his act together because he is being very aggressive. Borderline not ok aggressive. So much to learn and figure out about these guys. It’s crazy how different fish are...
I have a 30 and while I know they would do better In a larger tank I live on the 3rd floor and in a old house and I’m not so sure my floor would support anything bigger at the moment. We are planning on moving this summer in which I will get a larger tank but at this point this is where it’s at. I only have 6 kenyi in there and you have already told me that you think it’s to small of a tank to keep them in but I already have them and they have been doing fine up until I put the Kordon in.
I have a 30 and while I know they would do better In a larger tank I live on the 3rd floor and in a old house and I’m not so sure my floor would support anything bigger at the moment. We are planning on moving this summer in which I will get a larger tank but at this point this is where it’s at. I only have 6 kenyi in there and you have already told me that you think it’s to small of a tank to keep them in but I already have them and they have been doing fine up until I put the Kordon in.
How many males do you have? I've had tanks all my life, community fish though. Wasn't until year or so my Uncle asked if I wanted these 3 fish that he got from another family member that couldn't take care of them. Sure.. I didn't know then but he came to my house with a 15g tank with a Powder Blue Scofoli a Johanni and Electric Yellow Lab all 3 males. Again I knew NOTHING about these fish but within an hour of having them in my house, I ran out go the fish store and purchased a 30g. Idk how they made it in a 15g a Bare no rocks plants nothing. Needless to say, I get what your saying, there are ways to make it work,allot of trial and error but it can be done. What does the tank look like? Although Mbuna are rock dwellers and aren't naturally found in plants, in an aquarium they can help out allot. Oh and my opinion, unless you have a lake in your home, aren't all fish basically living in way to small of a space?
Thank you.. I only have 2 males as far as I know right now I had more but pulled them out as soon as they started changing and I saw signs. I take very good care of my tanks and my fish and while I know they could be in a larger tank like you said they can always be in a bigger tank but I also know a few people that have very successfully kept cichlids in a 30. I did a lot of research before setting up my tank so I have a crushed coral bottom and lots of hiding stones a few plants and driftwood, and a coconut shell. And though the pictures have my blue light on and I’m at work right now this is the setup I have as of the moment


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Temperament of any given fish usually plays a big role in chaos or calmness in a tank. Your tank has plenty of hiding spots. Might be you just have an SOB of a fish. Lol.

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