Any tips for Master Test kits, liquid test.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Any tips for Master Test kits, liquid test? I shake in my hands and I want to know if I use the inside holder, if that will help? I know I put 2 ammonia bottles in the same vile. I am getting my liquid API test kit Friday. :thanks::dance:
Any tips for Master Test kits, liquid test? I shake in my hands and I want to know if I use the inside holder, if that will help? I know I put 2 ammonia bottles in the same vile. I am getting my liquid API test kit Friday. :thanks::dance:

You just need to find a stable place to do the test. Fill the vials to the line ( usually 5 ml) and place the vial back in the holder. Take the reagent(s) and shake it good then place the bottle nozzle vertically inside the vial ( like it was a cap) and count the drops necessary. Remove the bottle and place the cap on the vial then remove the vial to shake it. Read the results. It's just that easy. ;)
Thank you

You just need to find a stable place to do the test. Fill the vials to the line ( usually 5 ml) and place the vial back in the holder. Take the reagent(s) and shake it good then place the bottle nozzle vertically inside the vial ( like it was a cap) and count the drops necessary. Remove the bottle and place the cap on the vial then remove the vial to shake it. Read the results. It's just that easy. ;)

Thank you for your help. I will do it on my counter top, that is really stable place to do the testing. I have 3 tanks I need to test on. I like to do water change, it's fun and testing, is fun to. I feel like a mad scientist. :cool: :thanks: I will shake the bottles, as well and the test tubes.
Thank you for your help. I will do it on my counter top, that is really stable place to do the testing. I have 3 tanks I need to test on. I like to do water change, it's fun and testing, is fun to. I feel like a mad scientist. :cool: :thanks: I will shake the bottles, as well and the test tubes.

Follow their direction exactly. HINT: The Nitrate reagents really need a good shaking for minutes to make sure all the ingredients are mixed properly. If you don't do it, you will get a false 0 reading. :whistle:
Do each tank separately. ( as in do an entire panel for one tank, wash out the vials with water from the next tank to be tested, then when you are finished with all your testing, rinse out the vials in the sink then dry the insides with a paper towel or napkin. ) (y)
I have a question

Follow their direction exactly. HINT: The Nitrate reagents really need a good shaking for minutes to make sure all the ingredients are mixed properly. If you don't do it, you will get a false 0 reading. :whistle:
Do each tank separately. ( as in do an entire panel for one tank, wash out the vials with water from the next tank to be tested, then when you are finished with all your testing, rinse out the vials in the sink then dry the insides with a paper towel or napkin. ) (y)

You said to shake the Nitrate really good, do I have to shake all the bottles that way, or just for the Nitrate? Well looks like I am going to have to buy paper towels. I could cut up a towel and use that to. Thanks for the tips and advice. :thanks: And is it Nitrate that I want, or is it Nitrite? I always get them two confused.
You said to shake the Nitrate really good, do I have to shake all the bottles that way, or just for the Nitrate? Well looks like I am going to have to buy paper towels. I could cut up a towel and use that to. Thanks for the tips and advice. :thanks: And is it Nitrate that I want, or is it Nitrite? I always get them two confused.

Follow the directions on the bottles but I can tell you that you need to shake the nitrate ones longer than the others.
You WANT NitrATES and don't want nitrites. (y)

I just like to use a paper product ( Paper towel, napkin but not TP) for drying so that I can throw it away after using. It stops any contamination from other tests. (y)
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