Recent content by Autumn_Belle

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    UPDATE: We put him in the QT tank with a very tiny amount of melafix and cleaned the entire 10g tank and everything in it. He spent a day and a half in the QT tank before being put in the 10g tank. His fins are healing, so it was a success. We also started feeding him more and different food...
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    we know why his fins are torn, not mostly because of fin rot, but because of a fake plant that used to be in his tank that they snagged on. thats why we chose fin repair medication.
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    Fin tearing and fin rot My fish has minor fin tearing and fin rot. We have him in a quarantine tank (1/2 gallon) because his other tank (10 gallons) is very hard to do full water changes in. My parents bought Melafix to treat him but as we got home and read the dosing we realize it was too...
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