Recent content by axpspicoli

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    Need Help Diagnosing/treating Glofish (danio)

    I included all that info yet forgot one key thing....there are ZERO visible white spots. I thought it was ich too but i stared at this guy for hours today and couldn't even see a spec of a white spot. I read that velvet presents the same symptoms minus white spots.
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    Need Help Diagnosing/treating Glofish (danio)

    I need some help diagnosing/treating a Glofish. First I will give details about everything.... I have a 30 gallon tropical tank which I keep at a constant 76 degrees. There <email> plants and the most recent was added yesterday. I have 5 ghost shrimp which I bought last week on a whim, 3...
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    Sand or gravel?

    Sand. I like the natural looking aquariums and sand is the way to go if you want to get a nice natural look. A pain in the butt to switch over from gravel but 100% worth it IMO.
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    my new 30

    I don't know if someone already suggested it but I use G.E. Daylight F20 lights from Lowes. They are only $6-$7 which beats paying $20+ at the pet store. specs: F20T12 (fits T8 socket) 20W 6500k 1025 Lumens In my 30gallon I have 2 Cryptocoryne wendtii (1 currently trying to propagate) 2...
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    My new (lightly)planted 30g

    I agree about the backdrop, but the problem is that the tank is on my big desk and basically sits in the middle of the room. A backdrop would mean not being able to see it from the other side. (also I use that side to do my cleaning so i don't have to climb on the desk. Having my line of sight...
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    My new (lightly)planted 30g

    Not sure yet, still researching that whole subject
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    My new (lightly)planted 30g

    Nah, if you mean the tallest one, it's a fake unfortunately. Can't find big healthy plants in any shops where I live.
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    My new (lightly)planted 30g

    thanks, great site
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    My new (lightly)planted 30g

    I am new to this hobby and would like opinions on my tank setup. This is a 30gallon Freshwater with 5 live plants and 10 Fish. I have some fake plants but want to replace with live ones when i upgrade my lighting system. All the rocks are slate and river rock which I found and sterilized. I used...
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