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  1. C

    Longfinned Pleco and Mega Pleco - breeding?

    Sorry should have been more detailed, I feed them cucumber, shrimp pellets, fish flakes, blood worms and now algae pellets. Guess I can rule out breeding. Must be the change in lighting. Only change in the last couple of weeks besides the addition of algae pellets. Unless he's sick :(
  2. C

    Longfinned Pleco and Mega Pleco - breeding?

    Totally understood on the cleaning service thing. Just found it odd that plec has been hiding and all of a sudden I have a algae build up which makes me think plec isn't coming out at night much either. Would a male guard infertile eggs?
  3. C

    Longfinned Pleco and Mega Pleco - breeding?

    Hi All, My first post. I'm exhausted from googling this, so I thought I'd see if you guys might be able to help. I've had a long finned bristlenose pleco (the 5 incher type) for about 4-5 months and a mega clown pleco for about 2 months in my 60g tank with lots of hiding places. I've really...
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