Recent content by Coltrane9

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  1. Coltrane9

    Can't Find Water Without Nitrate In It

    I'd imagine that the lighting is good enough to keep plants, right? I know that most places will tell you that you can do "Hardy" plants with the stock lighting; and then I have the LED on top of that. My problem is, locally, it's like 3-4 plants only. Anacharis, Wisteria, "Assorted Potted...
  2. Coltrane9

    Can't Find Water Without Nitrate In It

    Well not amazingly populated. I'd say I have about 6-7 plants in there that are around the size of a baseball glove. I actually took 2 out this afternoon as I siphoned because they were pretty brown. I used a Marineland LED Double Bright with the 2 stock lights, so it's a little difficult to...
  3. Coltrane9

    Can't Find Water Without Nitrate In It

    API Test kit. Pretty new I do have plants in the tank, but I've noticed no change good or bad with them over the year+ I've taken plants out, added new ones, etc.
  4. Coltrane9

    Can't Find Water Without Nitrate In It

    This has been a problem for some time now, as my tank is about 18 months old.... Problem is, my tap water has an Ammonia level of like 3-4PPM and the PH is around a 9-10. There's also a slight hint of Nitrate in it. So when I do a water change, I don't like to use the tap water because it's...
  5. Coltrane9

    Angels Making Noise Bubbles?

    Maybe they're hungry, but I'm feeding them twice a day, flake food. They eat it, and then let a lot of it just float around and the other fish get it. So it seems like they're fed...
  6. Coltrane9

    Angels Making Noise Bubbles?

    Is it normal for Angels to go to the top, and basically take a bit of air? They'll go to the top, spin around, and take a little bit of the air, making this "Pop" noise from the water splashing. They do it all day... It's not a problem at all, but it's surprisingly loud. The water parameters...
  7. Coltrane9

    A Few Plants Browning, Why?

    Now that you said it, I remember it being water sprite
  8. Coltrane9

    A Few Plants Browning, Why?

    First of all, I'm not 100% what this plant in question is. I believe it's Anubias? I just picked up a variety of stuff. I've had it in my tank before, and I added it again this time when I recently re-did the tank. Both times it's started browning, and I'm not sure why. My lighting is just the...
  9. Coltrane9

    My New 55G Angel Tank

    I went out today to buy some Cories, but the one store didn't have any, and the other just had these grey looking ones. I didn't really like them, so I bought 5 Gold Algae Eaters. They seemed more lively. I also grabbed 2 Red Velvet Swordtails, which the guy said would be fine, so we'll see...
  10. Coltrane9

    My New 55G Angel Tank

    More along the color side. The Rumys and Neons are cool, but they're tiny and mostly silver you know. Maybe like a Pearl or Blue Gourami?
  11. Coltrane9

    My New 55G Angel Tank

    Would a Red-Tail Shark work? Or too big, too aggressive
  12. Coltrane9

    My New 55G Angel Tank

    I asked the guy about getting some kind of Catfish or bottom-feeder and he said they'd probably go after the Neons. It didn't sound right, but I'm more knowledgeable with Saltwater, so I was like "OK..." I know about the pairing. I'm hoping that by that time I've got even more plants and maybe...
  13. Coltrane9

    My New 55G Angel Tank

    Finally got my tank up and running again. Converted from an African Cichlid tank... I have 10 Neon Tetras 5 Rummynoses 1 Black Veil Angel 1 White Pearly Angel 1 Black Marble I'm somewhat worried that the Angels might go after the Neons, but the Angels are really small, so maybe they'll just...
  14. Coltrane9

    Is My Tank Cycling Again?

    OK, thanks. That makes sense I guess. So tomorrow I'll plan on putting the dechlronitor in a bucket of tap water, and testing that. Then doing some water changes this week. So if it turns out that the dechlorinator + Tap = 1PPM or so, and I do water changes and the tank gets down to 1PPM does...
  15. Coltrane9

    Is My Tank Cycling Again?

    So I just tested it: 0 Nitrites Basically 0 Nitrates, I have the API kit, and it's never quite yellow yellow for 0, but it was pretty close to yellow. 0-2PPM maybe And Ammonia was somewhere between .5 and 1PPM, those 2 color squares are almost the same, but it wasn't 2ppm. So let me just make...
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