Recent content by Dvious357

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  1. D

    4 dead fish in 2 days :,(

    Ok, I'll take a pic and put it up as soon as I get home in a couple days. The one ho has 3 white spots on his bottom fin is the one that has been scratching on the sand.
  2. D

    4 dead fish in 2 days :,(

    Yeah sorry, I get nitrates and nitrites back to front lol.. I've been doing lots of research and I think that 2 of the fish died from molawi bloat. They're stomaches were extremely bloated. They were acting different to, a few of the fish weren't coming up to my fingers at feeding time and had...
  3. D

    4 dead fish in 2 days :,(

    I've had my tank set up for about 3 months now and everything has been greet till now. It's a 300litre tank. 2 of my tropheus duboisi's, 1 electric yellow and a gold spot pleco. All my water parameters are perfect no ammonia, no nitrates and low nitrites, ph is 8. I'm just wondering if an...
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