Recent content by gita1230

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  1. G

    platy pregnant or aborted?

    Yes I have male and female the male keeps rubbing up against her and following her all over.... I have a separate tank ready for them with plenty of plants both grounded and floating and a nice little cave and rainbow gravel
  2. G

    platy pregnant or aborted?

    Thanks for the welcome!!! I believe she aborted?... Lights were on when I moved her and I did have plants in tanks I think I may have stressed her when I moved her. She back in the big tank with my other fishes hopefully she be pregnant again soon. I'm kinda new to breeding and I figured I'd...
  3. G

    platy pregnant or aborted?

    My platy was definitely pregnant yesterday but I'm not sure if she still is. she was a little fat (I'm guessing first pregnancy they don't have too many fry) had a barely recognizable gravid spot (she's deep red so it's hard to see) and she was boxed out.... So I isolated her in a separate tank...
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