Recent content by hacket

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  1. hacket

    Orange Lyretail Molly with 'crusty' scales?

    Has she been acting weird other than that? Like swimming funny?
  2. hacket

    shubunkin acting weird

    Have you overfed him at all? Sounds like swimbladder to me. How big is the fish? If you aren't aware, the 14 gallon is way to small, even if you had no other fish in it. That's also part of the problem. He's getting stressed:( Goldfish need at least 30 gallons. If it's swim bladder, try...
  3. hacket

    Outdated Fish Food

    How do they smell? Lol. Well they smell like fish food. I'd have to say they haven't changed much in smell since I bought them. But the frozen stuff that you buy stays good forever? Or have you had to throw anything away?
  4. hacket

    Outdated Fish Food

    They just went bad last month. I've had them for a year and a half. How long now would you recommend using them before throwing them out?
  5. hacket

    Outdated Fish Food

    Should you throw away outdated fish food? Or is it safe to give to fish for a while after the date? I bought a large container of bloodworms like 2 years ago and my bettas have hardly scratched the surface...since they don't eat too much. I thought I would have used more and it seems like a...
  6. hacket

    Community Betta keeps getting bloat

    Sorry I should have clarified. I meant it may be time to put him in his own tank, permanently. As in set up a 3 gallon eclipse and keep him in that for good. Gets rid of both problems of bloat and bullying. :) I'm getting my pleco into another tank in about a month. Then my betta will be alone...
  7. hacket

    Community Betta keeps getting bloat

    Well it may be time to put him in his own tank at that point. If he's becoming more of a hassle than a joy I mean.
  8. hacket

    Community Betta keeps getting bloat

    About the only thing you can do is take him out of the tank while you feed the others. Every betta I've always had will eat until they kill themselves, unless you stop them.
  9. hacket

    Community Betta keeps getting bloat

    My betta does the exact same thing, only with the algae wafers I put in for my pleco. I've started taking her out of the tank and putting her into the container I bought her in for a couple of hours while I let the pleco eat his pellet chunk. Otherwise, she just hogs the thing and gets bloated...
  10. hacket

    Beginning Community

    That would definately work for a 29 gallon, minus the tigers. You are right they can be nippy...As thominil said, try some cories. They are extremely fun to have when you have a bunch. Make sure you get around 6-8.
  11. hacket

    How many fish can I fit in this tank?

    Quite impressive.
  12. hacket

    Looks like ich...great

    Just to completely update this thread, my fish have completely healed! All ich is gone, and I just began lowering the temp last night. It was at 86ish this morning and so set it to about 82. I'll lower it to about 78 and keep it there tonight. Also my betta's fins haven't gotten any worse...
  13. hacket

    Two beautiful guppies!

    If you took those at 8MP how did you shrink it down to fit on this site? What software specifically?
  14. hacket

    Two beautiful guppies!

    Those are a couple of the most beautiful guppies I've seen. Very nice.
  15. hacket

    Hi from the suburbs of Boston

    Welcome Frank:)
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