Recent content by jharness81

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    No worries, we've been dealing with the exact same situation the last couple of days! About to herd the family together and head off to the airport in a bit. Thanks as usual for your response! I have noticed that it only seems to be effecting the KH levels at the moment. It's gone up slightly...
  2. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Btw, what are everyone's opinions regarding plastic decorations in fishtanks? Are decorations prone to leaching crap into the water that may cause the oddball chem test readings I have been seeing? I think I am going to remove them for the week and see what happens... Sent from my iPhone using...
  3. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Totally agree with you! The thing is, I HAVE been changing the water like crazy. So far I've done the equivalent of a 100% water change this week (60 gallons), and the ammonia readings haven't budged. In my opinion it's not possible for three relatively tiny fancies to produce that much...
  4. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Hello hello! Hope you had a great weekend! I visited the pet store earlier and bought a bad of crushed coral. I'd say that they probably gave me about four pounds of the stuff. They mentioned that I should probably put about half of it either into a filter bag, or just spread it onto my gravel...
  5. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Hi again! The small tank has been salted for the last couple of months. I used aquarium salt and added 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. So far as the tap water test goes, here are the measurements that the strips showed. Right out of the tap: Kh - 40 Gh - 30 Ph - 7.0 After 24 hours: Kh - 40 Gh - 30...
  6. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    I wasn't able to find the liquid test kit for gh/kh at my lfs, but I did nab a tube of the api test strips (better than nothing). I compared the test strip results with my chemical readings for everything else and they appear pretty close. Here are the readings for the small tank that's...
  7. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    LOL. Every time I go into Petsmart to grab something I eyeball the 50' Aquaeon one! It looks pretty slick. I just don't know if it will work all that well with my bathroom facets... especially since they are water saving. I have a feeling it would take a small eternity to fill up the 15 gallons...
  8. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Thanks for the great response! Yes, I remember reading that goldfish prefer more basic water as opposed to acidic. For a while I tried to baking soda to raise the levels, which worked... But that stuff is always just a temporary fix. The fancies didn't seem to mind the more acidic water, so I...
  9. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Hi jlk! I'd be more than happy to give you the numbers you're after, however I should mention that I don't have the correct test solutions to check gh/kh at the moment. So as of this morning, the levels in my smaller tank are as follows: Ph: 6.4 No3: 0 ppm nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 0 ppm The...
  10. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Should also mention that water test are being performed chemically, and that the tank is planted as well. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  11. J

    Two month old 60 gal tank not cycling correctly!

    Good evening all! I've been keeping fish for the last couple of years, and just recently decided to make an investment into a larger 60 gallon tank. The tank has been cycling with fish in it for roughly two months, however for the life of me I can't seem to get it to cycle correctly. The...
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