Recent content by justinmo

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    Betta fish sex?

    Betta breeding is not just a fun process, I don't mean to be critical but spawning bettas will be hard and you need to have the time to raise 100+ betta fry, do water changes very frequently and then separate all of them once they reach a certain age. You need plans for further housing for all...
  2. J

    What's your favorite/least favorite tank shape?

    I don't like tall hex tanks and 360 cylinder type tanks.
  3. J

    10 G Questions

    Only some species of tetras can live in a 10 gallon remember to look that up and also the compatibility. I don't know if I would go for tankmates in a 10 gallon with a betta especially without a backup plan. You could divide the tank and have 2 bettas!
  4. J

    Can a betta tank be too big?

    A quarantine tank would be fine but I'd probably suggest 5 gallons or 2.5 gallons as it'll be easier to maintain and heat and keep stable. And if your betta doesn't work out in the tank, you can always make the quarantine a permanent tank. A tank almost 99% of the time can never be too big, you...
  5. J

    Betta with clamped fins

    If they were like that in the cup I'm thinking it was just because of his terrible conditions, do water changes really regularly in that 1 gallon and make sure the parameters are good. Usually clamped fins are a symptom of something else which I think would be the bad water conditions and...
  6. J

    Betta with clamped fins

    He isn't moving his pectoral fins at all? What size is your tank? What are the parameters and is it cycled? Do you have a heater and filter? Did you acclimate the fish? What is the temperature of the water? He could just be shocked at the sudden change and adjusting.
  7. J

    Betta is Sick??? Lost

    A picture of him would be great to help everyone find out what's wrong with him.
  8. J

    tank wont stay heated

    How big are the tanks, and what is the wattage and brand of the heaters? How cold is the room temperature? It's usually said that heaters should be near the filter current as it helps distribute the heat throughout the whole tank.
  9. J

    tankmates for betta?

    Neon tetras have a tendency to nip fins, especially if they don't have a large enough school. But you could work it out in a 20 gallon with your betta, be prepared to separate them if something happens. I know Corydoras are also an option, you should have a small shoal and sand substrate...
  10. J

    Two 10g adventure

    Nah, dwarf puffer fish are fully freshwater (pea puffer)
  11. J

    Two 10g adventure

    cool, I'm also setting up a 10 gallon (mediumish) planted tank! There's going to be 1 or two dwarf puffers.
  12. J

    This really upset me

    And no we shouldn't stop keeping fish, as long as we make sure to get fish from breeders and not the wild
  13. J

    This really upset me

    How the saltwater hobby is destroying our oceans I like to think most good aquarists will buy fish from reputable sellers and fish and live rock/dry rock that isn't taken away from the wild. Especially since even though it's environmental effects are terrible, it's just cruel to take a fish...
  14. J

    Help with Betas and Fish Dying for No Reason?

    Any low light plants will do, anubias (extremely hardy) amazon sword, java ferns, anacharis, bacopa. Make sure you have good enough lighting to grow them though and if possible try getting fertilizers like root tabs (for root feeders) and liquid fertilizers like seachem flourish for plants that...
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