Recent content by lcmwest

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L

    An auto feeder mishap and the fallout

    Thanks, snapcrackler. I did vacumm the gravel 3x, once with each water change. Another question: I saw on a post that a heavily planted tank does not need gravel vacumming. (unless, of course, there is a mishap :roll: ) Any advice in that area?
  2. L

    I can use all the algae advice I can get

    I do water changes about 1x month, although the past few months I went to every 2-3 weeks. Yes, I do use a gravel vac.
  3. L

    I can use all the algae advice I can get

    I have 4 neons, 2 platies, 1 tetra, 1 stick catfish, 1 adf, 1 panda loach and 2 shrimp.
  4. L

    Finally, a water clarifier that works incredibly!!!

    Anyone know which kind harm the biological filter? any particular ingredients to avoid?
  5. L

    Finally, a water clarifier that works incredibly!!!

    Anyone know which kind harm the biological filter? any particular ingredients to avoid?
  6. L

    I can use all the algae advice I can get

    I have a 15 gal tank with 11 fish and one ADF. It is in my office, in front of plate glass window. I know it probably gets too much light, but I do keep my blinds partially closed so it is not exposed to direct sunlight. I have a problem with algae. I can usually control any on the glass...
  7. L

    An auto feeder mishap and the fallout

    My office tank (15 gal. with 11 fish and 1 adf) was traumatized last weekend. I accidently set the auto feeder too high, and I came to work on Mondat to a very cloudy, smelly tank. On Mon, Tue and Wed I did 20% water changes, and also changed the filter. (carbon with the penguin biowheel)...
  8. L

    Java Fern by Fruitbat

    Enjoyed your post, thanks for all the tips. Good information
  9. L

    Bugs in the tank

    If you have pets in the house, could be fleas! They jump around alot and have been known to live in water.
  10. L

    Best plants to buy with goldfish in the tank

    The two have been living peacefully together for about a year and a half. I have a heater in the tank, that I keep on the low end of the green zone. They are both active and healthy.
  11. L

    Best plants to buy with goldfish in the tank

    I will give those a try, thanks. I try to give them a little lettuce now and then, perhaps I will make that more of a regular part of their diet.
  12. L

    Best plants to buy with goldfish in the tank

    I have a 10 gal with one goldfish and a blue gourami. Between the two of them, they have eaten all the plants I have attempted to plant. So far, I have only been able to keep hornwort floating successfully. Anyone have advice for plants that goldfish are not so fond of?
  13. L

    algae and gh problem

    I am new to this forum. Can someone explain the procedure for using co2 to eliminate algae? Are you suggesting that more plants are the answer?
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