An auto feeder mishap and the fallout

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2004
My office tank (15 gal. with 11 fish and 1 adf) was traumatized last weekend. I accidently set the auto feeder too high, and I came to work on Mondat to a very cloudy, smelly tank. On Mon, Tue and Wed I did 20% water changes, and also changed the filter. (carbon with the penguin biowheel) Thursday, it is still cloudy. I'm concerned that this will harm my fish. Should I be doing something else? I should mention that the tank has been fairly clear for the 2.5 years I have maintained it. Comments and suggestions, please!
It probably won't harm the fish. You need to check the water parameters--ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. What type(s) of fish are you keeping?
Gravel vacumming when you do your water changes would be a good idea to get that food out of the substrate. Your tank will eventually clear up. Do you have an undergravel in there too (I hope not) :)

For the future, if you're going to be gone for only a weekend or 3-4 or even 5 days you won't have to worry about feeding them at all. They will be just fine. They will be very happy to see youwhen you return though.
Thanks, snapcrackler. I did vacumm the gravel 3x, once with each water change. Another question: I saw on a post that a heavily planted tank does not need gravel vacumming. (unless, of course, there is a mishap :roll: ) Any advice in that area?
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