Recent content by Lozzamogz

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L

    Wanting to Plant in Established Tank

    Hi all, I'm after some advice. I have a 120 litre tropical established tank with happy fish inside. I used a gravel substrate and, whilst all my plants are real, they aren't planted so need to be replaced when they die. I would love to venture down the planted tank route and I was wondering...
  2. L

    Red/Purple Fluffy Algae Bloom

    Hi all, My tank seems perfectly healthy and normal (fish happy and water testing all coming back healthy). Only difference is, I suddenly have a bloom of fuzzy reddish algae (see pics). It is covering everything other than the substrate. Even my plants are becoming fuzzy and purple! Does...
  3. L

    Poorly Platinum Tetra (correct format this time - sorry!)

    I will do that, thanks! I use King British Safe Guard to remove chlorine and heavy metals and also use King British Safe Water, which is a filter aid that removes ammonia and nitrites. Have been using these products for about a year now. It looks like general fading. I currently have him in a...
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    Poorly Platinum Tetra (correct format this time - sorry!)

    Hi, Thanks for replying. The jerking and twitching only happens when he's swimming but he spends most of his time lying flat on his side. He occasionally will just stay perfectly still in the water but doesn't appearing to be twitching then. His weight looks fine but he isn't eating. There...
  5. L

    Poorly Platinum Tetra (correct format this time - sorry!)

    So sorry I didn't follow correct format in my previous post. Any ideas how I can delete it? Here are the questions and my answers: 1~What type of fish is afflicted? In addition, please describe what is wrong with the fish to the best of your ability (i.e. cotton like growth, bloated, etc.). I...
  6. L

    Poorly Platinum Tetra

    Just noticed that I didn't follow the correct format. Sorry... posted in rush. Will update later.
  7. L

    Poorly Platinum Tetra

    Hi All! I have a platinum tetra who is not well at all. I found him lying at the bottom of the tank, alive, 3 days ago. I quickly put him in a breeding box so that the other fish couldn't harass him. I then tested my water parameters, which were all spot on and my other fish are all thriving...
  8. L


    You only have to type 'Betta tank' into Amazon or ebay to see how unethical and down right irresponsible people (and manufacturers) can be. I'm talking about one litre capacity monstrosities that hang on the wall or tiny 3 litre 'tanks' that double up as a handy alarm clock. Makes me so angry...
  9. L

    Fish Names

    I have a Platy called Patty (10/10 for originality :) ). My Otto is called... Wait for it... otto! And my large Harlequin is called 'Lieutenant Shiny Sides'. The rest are just known as my fishy friends. I need to get out more! Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  10. L

    Is Fish-Keeping Ethical?

    You only have to type 'betta tank' into ebay or Amazon to see how unethical and down-right irresponsible some fish keepers can be. Makes me so angry. Especially as companies make and sell these monstrosities, allowing naive people to think it's acceptable. I feel I am a responsible fish keeper...
  11. L

    Does My Platy Look Healthy?

    Hi, I only ever had female platys and she is the only remaining one in the tank. I've had her for about a year now with no males in sight. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  12. L

    Does My Platy Look Healthy?

    Hi all, So this is a weird post and I feel a bit foolish posting it but... My platy 'Patty' seems very healthy and is showing no signs of ill health but her stomach looks huge (and it seems to be getting bigger). I don't know whether I am just imagining it. She can't be pregnant and hasn't...
  13. L

    Is this guppy fry male or female?

    Thank you! Definitely a female! I think it's cute that she has her father's colouring. Thanks again, Laura :) Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  14. L

    Is this guppy fry male or female?

    Hi all, Sorry for the awful photo quality... He/she is a speedy little thing! This guppy is about 8 weeks old and I was wondering whether any of you can tell what sex it is? It's mother is very plain with flashes of blue in her tail and the father is very colourful with a yellow tail with...
  15. L

    Automatic Fish Feeders/ Feeding Blocks

    Thanks so much for your responses! This method will save me a lot of money and worries. :)
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