Recent content by MattRB

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  1. M

    Filter recommendation

    So this is the filter that I have already, the cord looks chewed on too so that's a plus lol
  2. M

    Hello from PA

    Hi guys, I joined because I'm going to be setting up my first real tank. We had a wicked 10gallon tank when I was a kid with neon gravel and a castle with a drawbridge raises by bubbles, and a 3d molded plastic background taped to the back that looked like a sunken pirate ship. My mom did most...
  3. M

    Filter recommendation

    I guess I should get the tank washed out and check the filter I have already and see what it looks like before I go out and buy something. I can already feel my wife rolling her eyes at me at the idea of waiting for the tank to cycle lol.
  4. M

    Filter recommendation

    I did a quick check of the AquaClear 70 and it looks like it measures 8.5" across and I have 12" on each side. I can possibly use the cannister filter I already have I just don't know anything about them and would prolly need new hoses at least because it's probably 30 years old lol. We're...
  5. M

    Filter recommendation

    Hi everyone, I'm inheriting an @40 gallon hex shaped tank that my father in law used to use and I'm trying to figure out what kind of filter I should be looking for. He had an old canister filter you had to pack charcoal and cotton into and I was hoping to switch to a side hanging type for less...
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