Recent content by Mr.Cola1151

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Rocks from a local lake

    They are rocks from a volcano, so can they contain some bad minerals? Before I put them in, I boiled them for half an hour. The algae still came pretty aggressively.
  2. M

    Ewwwwww......what is this?

    Try dosing CO2 regularity, make sure that the plants are fertilized. The plants should out eat the bba and it should go away. But will take a while
  3. M

    Rocks from a local lake

    Hey guys, I brought some volcanic rocks from Iceland and boiled them for half an hour. I still received heavy algae growth. Took them out after a week. What can I do to them so I can put them back?
  4. M

    Fluval Flex Review

    Ok, so I’ve had this tank for about a year. Here is what I think of it. Pump is ok, I put extra media in the back and even with restricted input it works great. The lights give enough light, even for the plants at the bottom. I rarely use the rgb lights though. The CO2 system I have routes...
  5. M

    What fish?

    Hi, Just the thought of setting one up. I have had a larger saltwater tank but I cannot fing any fish other than the clown goby for a 15 gallon tank. Wouldn’t want too big fish, but has anyone had any success with a nano like this?
  6. M

    Lighting conditions for Tetras

    Hi, I read that neon tetras like living in a darker environment with dim lights. Has anyone kept neons in a normally lit environment? Maybe it affects them to the point that they die. Obviously you'll have to buy some sort of halide lamp or just a regular desk light. BUT, the main interest is...
  7. M

    Plant density

    Hi, I have thick plant growth and want to know the average plant density that you guys have. More towards the tank having enough room for the fish to swim
  8. M

    DIY CO2 discussion

    I made CO2 many times but I never got the week long results. Haven't personally tried the jello method, but the yeast doesn't work well for me. Has anyone gotten the long lasting results from DIY? Would like to add that retail additives are worth it to use as well.
  9. M

    Air Stone Question

    Hi, So I've been reading that air stones are beneficial to breaking down wastes, (----> Air Pumps & Air Stones: Increase Aeration for Healthy Aquariums) but will they be beneficial when placed next to your bio media? I would like to slip an air stone to the back part of my Fluval, where my bio...
  10. M

    Keeping Baby Fish

    Ok so I picked up 3 pea puffers, and they are tiny! <1cm My question is would I be able to safely keep them in a bucket of tank water without filtration or heating for a few days? I really want them to grow a bit before I put them into my nano tank. This is because I have 2 large bleeding...
  11. M

    Overdosing Phosban - Ferric Oxide

    Been reading that the phosphates are important to your plants. But! Is it absolutely necessary to have? To my knowledge the main food for algae would be phosphates, so if I take those out then my algae problem would be gone. For now I took out my bag of phosban and would return it when I get...
  12. M

    Limestone Rocks

    OK, so I ordered some limestone rocks from BA's, and I've been reading that they will raise my PH. This is not good for me, but these rocks look great and I would like to add them to my tank. The question I have is will my Fluval Stratum soil be strong enough to balance the PH of my tank back...
  13. M

    Good Cycle Fish for me

    I wanted to do the instant cycle with ATM Colony, but if the fish in the tank are not permanent then I will have to try another method. My idea was to put in 2 fish, and add the bacteria a few days later. That should spike the levels.
  14. M

    Good Cycle Fish for me

    I want to cycle my tank with some fish, but I want to keep those fish for good. I however want to setup a Dwarf Puffer tank and see how they aren't really community fish. What tankmates would you recommend to me for cycling?
  15. M

    Nano Tank Questions

    Also, I would like to know what fish I can keep in this tank. The only one I know would be what is on the live aquaria for 15 gallons, but I would really want something else... Would wish for a chromis or a clownfish pair. I don't know why they make such small aquariums when you can't put...
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