Recent content by Nic.Gilby

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. N

    Best Aquarium plants for beginners

    Hi Jonty, Welcome! To follow up on Aiken post id be tempted to focus on low maintenance easy to care for plants. Bacopa caroliniana, Java Moss, Java fern, Anubias would all fit the bill. Ultimately it does sort of boil down to personal preference as well. Dont know if you have thought about...
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    Java fern for me. Grows easily and straight forward to maintain.
  3. N

    What's your favorite fish to keep?

    Betta fish personally. Think visually there the most striking fish, but beware what fish you plan to keep with them, as they have a tendency to get aggressive.
  4. N

    Fluval 406 Noise

    Hi Beccy, Where are you keeping it and what have you got it on? if there is some sort of padding you can place it on should help assorb a fair bit of the sound. Also is there somewhere you can stow it away?
  5. N

    Looking for ways to save money on an aquarium

    Although a more prciey initial investment I'd always look to buy in bulk. Many of the times you will need brought in volume are far cheaper.
  6. N

    Bribos rebooted 20 nuvo

    Found this really useful aswell. Thanks guys!
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