Recent content by Salty_Dawg

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. S


    i expect the clowns will eventually kill them.:(
  2. S


    they are actually good at getting rid of algae including hair. i would wait about 2 months before adding any coral, let your tank settle for while.
  3. S

    Fish disappearing

    I've heard they were a bit nasty to other shrimp like peps, but i never knew they were actually fish killers.
  4. S

    Live stock ideas!

    Out of those two i personally would go for the bicolour. They are quirky little fish.
  5. S

    How many times does everyone feed there fish??

    Every second day, i vary the foods.
  6. S

    Thinking about a saltwater tank

    I dont think their are any scorpion fish that could go into a tank that size.
  7. S

    Live stock ideas!

    Blue Chromis, omly problem they tend to kill each other for some reason :ermm: Your also missing a blenny from your list!!! Could also do a Watchman and shrimp pair.
  8. S

    What's your favorite cichlid?

    not the largest nor most colourful, but my keyholes are proving to be great community fist.
  9. S

    A very strange pistol shrimp

    no sorry, did not have my phone with me at the time.
  10. S

    Ocean rock safe?

    i would suggest putting them into the sump or even better a quarantine tank before adding them into your tank. You have no idea what is actually living inside the rock nor what contaminants are in it.
  11. S

    A very strange pistol shrimp

    Was out hunting for a randalls pistol shrimp at the lfs when i came across a fairly large (about 1 inch) pistol, was black/brown with a yellow stripe running down its back. It was labeled as a "banded" pistol but i havent came across anything under that name which actually looks like this...
  12. S

    wow I just found a gorgious mandarin

    Just spotted one of those today at a store, had a price tag of £80.
  13. S

    Help my fish are dyeing !!!!!

    to small a tank or to many fish.
  14. S

    Midas blenny

    should be fine but it is not unknown for them to fight with clowns.
  15. S

    Just starting

    Don't know if anyone has already said this but you don't want to be adding all the fish and CuC at the one time. Space it out over the course of a few months. Also be ready to replace the hermits and snails as the hermits will fight eachother and kill the snails for the shells. A tailspot...
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