Recent content by The Iceman

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  1. The Iceman

    New to saltwater. Bsnows 75gal reef tank.

    following this, waiting to see what else you put in
  2. The Iceman

    20 gallon nano...refugium needed?

    I have a 20g long nano with no fuge or skimmer and I do a weekly water change and my water is crystal clear.
  3. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    Nice! Let me know how it goes
  4. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    I'm sure it's possible, I would do a large water change when you can
  5. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    I believe invertebrates are sensitive to high nitrates too, it could kill the rest off
  6. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    I would def try and find the dead fish if you think they are dead. Nitrates are extremely high also. I would do a really large water change to get them down, try a 50% and retest the water. Then go from there
  7. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    What are you're water perameters now? Ammonia, salinity etc?
  8. The Iceman

    210 Aggressive FOWLR Setup

    Picasso trigger is a sweet fish too, hope everything works out. Keep us updated, ill be followjg
  9. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    Any other equipment in you're tank? More info would be helpful o help understand what's going on in you're tank. Equipment and water perameters like salinity
  10. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    Maybe invest in some power heads for circulatio, do a good water change and see what your levels are after testing. I'm only 4 months into my first salt tank but ill help where I can. I usually prowl this site an hour or two a day lol, and for a few months before I started my tank.
  11. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    I agree here, if you no longer have live stock. Try cycling with out fish. I let my tank cycle for 2 months before adding anything. Tanks been stocked for about a month and a half with no big issues besides a little brown algae, which it went away recently
  12. The Iceman

    210 Aggressive FOWLR Setup

    How long have you had your tank running? I'd like a large tank like that someday lol.
  13. The Iceman

    What else can I add?

    Yellow watchman goby is a very cool fish, also non agressive.
  14. The Iceman

    Need some guiadance.

    I definitely wouldn't sell everything, it can be frustrating and expensive sure but worth it in the end. I would add more live rock in a tank that size to help with filtration. I have 32lbs in mg 20 gallon nano reef tank. Also lots of research, never hurts
  15. The Iceman

    A Freshie Thinking About Trying Somethin New

    i too was a freshwater guy until 3 months ago i happen to get a free 20g long tank to try out a nano reef, best thing to do before setting it up is research everything. i started with tap until i found a lfs that sold ro and salt water cheap and couldnt be happier. i do biweekly water changes, i...
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