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  1. Z

    30g cold water tank.

    I have a 30g cold water tank I'm doing Black moors White clouds and some Hillstreams. I have been cycling with one Black moor for about a month. My ph comes out of the tap at 7.2 Well even a day after I get about 7.6. My nitrates stay at zero and my amonia stays at .5 and gets maybe 1.0 right...
  2. Z

    Goldfish and Temp.

    So I started to cycle a new 29g aquarium. I was going to fishless cycle but my mother got me three black moore goldfish from walmart (I know). 2 of them ended up dying. Well Ive been keeping my aquarium at about 74. Then I started talking to my LFS guy about getting dwarf gouramis and some neons...
  3. Z

    Funny Cichlid at my LFS

    So theres this cichlid at my LFS not sure what it is. I think its a Convict. Hes a perfectly healthy fish other than hell be swimming and all of the sudden just lay down. It was in a customers tank and it was getting beat up pretty bad by all the other fish. The owner put it in a recovery tank...
  4. Z

    New Oscar Tank

    I am starting up an Oscar tank. I want input and opinions. I have never owned Oscars or a tank this size. 125 gallon. I will have an FX6, two Aquaclear 110s, and I have a old Fluval plus 4 (and maybe a plus 2) I'm going to put in there for a bit of agitation. I have some Driftwood I got from the...
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