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  1. G

    45 long plus pine stand - ATL, GA

    For Sale: Perfecto 45 gallon long tank and pine stand, with dark brown stain finish. Tank measures 48" long x 12" wide x 18.75" high. Stand is 33 high at lip; 32 high where tank sits inside stand. Also included: 48" flourescent single bulb light fixture and either a Fluval 303 or Magnum...
  2. G

    Nutrient rich?

    I've read in several posts about certain plants needing "nutrient rich" substrates. What exactly qualifies a substrate as being nutrient rich? I will be upgrading my 30 long to a 40 soon and I will be replacing my gravel. My 30 gal is heavily planted with 3.2 wpg and C02 injection. My 40 gal...
  3. G

    Small pleco?

    I have a new 90 gallon that I plan on being heavily planted with various South American cichlids, a shoal of cories, a large school of tetras (undecided as to which) in it. I would like to have a pleco in my tank, but I don't want one that will get huge. For example: I never expected my clown...
  4. G

    Baby Rams !!!!

    Finally, after months of spawning, and eggs making it 48 hours, only to be eaten, My Rams finally hatched a spawn (took about 55-60 hours). :D Unfortunately, the mommie died about 12 hours after the eggs hatched. All water parameters were/are perfect: pH 6.9, temp = 79.2 F, Amm = 0, N'ite =...
  5. G

    How do I INCREASE Nitrates?

    Okay, for 5 weeks in a row my Nitrates are reading at 0 ppm in my planted tank, and my plants have stopped showing signs of growth. Algae growth is even minimal. I've added Flourish Nitrogen as per directions, but how much is too much? I don't want to shock my fish, as they are more important...
  6. G

    Finally found a true SAE!

    I was out looking for new fish/ideas for my Eclipse 12, and guess what I found? I found true Siamese Algae Eaters at the Petland in Duluth. Whooo-hoooo! And right next to them were the Flying Foxes, so you could see the difference side by side. I immediately bought an SAE, hoping he/she'll...
  7. G

    What I got for Christmas...

    I love getting fish equipment/supplies for presents. Santa brought me a Fluval 204 to supplement my Emperor 280 on my 30 gal FW. A new Ebo Jager submersible Heater, a low-tech CO2 System. And my biggest surprise: an Eclipse System 12. I'm so excited. Planning on using the Eclipse to set up...
  8. G

    New Eclipse System 12

    Santa brought me a new Eclipse 12 for Christmas, and I can't decide what I want to do with it. I have lots of ideas, just can't decide on one (sounds like I need/want more tanks than I have room for :D ). So, I've narrowed it down to five basic ideas, and thought I'd get your input. a)...
  9. G

    Unexpected fish....

    Brief background.... After doing the research and asking questions here online, I decided against having Discus in my aquarium. I decided against it for the cost factor. I have no problem spending the money on a larger tank, supplies, etc. I did have a problem with spending $40 + (here in...
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    Upgrade dilemna for Discus...

    I currently have a 30 gallon long (36x12x16) setup as a "south american" tank, with 8 bloodfin tetras, 7 mirror/blue tetras, 1 Oto, and 3 Julii Corys. Current pH is 6.7, temp 80, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, GH of 2.8 and KH of 3, and an O2 level of 8-9 mg/L. My nitrates never rise more than 15 ppm...
  11. G

    Favorite Corys to add to a South American tank

    I'm looking at adding a Cory or two (more?) to my 30 gal FW tank. It is currently set up as a South American "biotope". Water is currenly 6.7 pH, 4 KH, 80 degrees F; with driftwood, and S.A. plants. Current residents are 8 bloodfin tetras and 5 black neons. I would like to add some bottom...
  12. G

    Raising pH or buffering pH??

    Hi, My tap water straight from the faucet reads between a 7.5 to 7.8, with a general hardness of 30-35 ppm. My 45 gallon FW tank (with misc. tetras, loaches, and previously, angelfish) generally reads about a 6.0 or less before water changes. After bi-weekly 20% water changes, my pH reads...
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