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  1. N

    10gl community tank questions..

    Hey guys I am getting a little 10 gallon tank setup and I want to make sure I do this one by the book as my last tank was just a rush because I was new to the hobby but I have not lost any of my original fish :) Anyways I have a 10 gallon that I rinsed and filled with cleaned play sand (watched...
  2. N

    Green Water will not go away...

    Hey guys and gals I have a 30 gallon and I have been battling green water for over 2 months and I have tried everything from algae tabs, new filters and the extreme complete drain and cleaning. This weekend I did a 72 hour blackout on the tank and it seemed to help a good bit so I did a 50%...
  3. N

    Sick Koi?

    Hey guys I am new here and I recently setup a 30 gal tank with a Fluval C3 filter and a Tetra Whisper for a little extra filtration. I purchased a very nice 4" Koi and he was very active and now he just sits at the bottom of the tank behind the decorations. I see no signs of ick and he appears...
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