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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Multiple Species

    Multiple Species

    If your unsure, can't find a catagory, or there is more than one species in the pic...put it here.
  2. Cichlids


  3. AA Photo Contest

    AA Photo Contest

  4. Inverts


  5. Plants


  6. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  7. Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

    Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

  8. N

    FS: 45-gallon freshwater planted tank set-up

    I have to move and cannot take my tank I've been traveling and sold most of the plants. Hardware is in good condition -- most everything is three years old. • 45-gallon tank • Deluxe stand • Hi-output compact fluorescent light hood - beautiful light! 1-55w & 1 33w AHA bulbs • CO2 injection...
  9. N

    FS: 45-gallon planted tank

    I have to move and cannot take my tank I've been traveling and sold most of the plants. Hardware is in good condition -- most everything is three years old. • 45-gallon tank • Deluxe stand • Hi-output compact fluorescent light hood - beautiful light! 1-55w & 1 33w AHA bulbs • CO2 injection...
  10. N

    FS: 45-gallon planted tank

    I have to move and cannot take my tank :-( I've been traveling and sold most of the plants. Hardware is in good condition -- most everything is three years old. • 45-gallon tank • Deluxe stand • Hi-output compact fluorescent light hood - beautiful light! 1-55w...
  11. N

    The evil angel...

    I've had good luck with Angels over the years. Last year I set up a 45 gal planted tank and bought 6 juvie Angels. They took to the tank without problems. Now they are full grown and two of them mated and produced a large amount of eggs - was able to save a few of the fry which are now dime...
  12. N

    Angels eating new Neon Tetras

    Yeah, Cardinal's. Had them in 75 gal tank with Angels a few years ago. Loved them. I was not aware that Neons are a natural food source for Angels.
  13. N

    Angels eating new Neon Tetras

    45 gal planted tank. Six Angels have been in the tank since they were juvies -- now full grown. Have had Neon Tetras in the tank up until last winter -- they all died of old age. Just added 14 new ones last Saturday and noticed Sunday that only three were around. Just added 25 more tonight...
  14. My Angels are eating up all the Neon Tetras :-(

    My Angels are eating up all the Neon Tetras :-(

  15. angelfish1 med

    angelfish1 med

  16. bubbles vert med

    bubbles vert med

  17. N

    PHotos: Pearling

    Wizzard Aperture is the device which controls the amount of light thru the lens. Look at the rear of your lens -- see the multi-blade iris in the center -- that is the aperture. f4 is a wider opening than say f11. All lenses, whether attached to a slr or rangefinder camera work the same. I...
  18. N

    Update Pic - glosso gone, cloudy water gone

    Beautiful tank! I'm with you on the glosso -- thinking of tearing mine out too, for the same reasons you did. Have you settled on a ground cover plant?
  19. N

    Reactors came in (pics now)

    I don't see any images.
  20. N

    PHotos: Pearling

    Digital has no impact on the depth-of-field. (Depth-of-field being the space in front, and behind, the point of focus that appears to be in focus). Which is what you noticed about the image. That is a function of the lens and aperture. An aperture of f4 will have less depth-of-field than f16...
  21. N

    PHotos: Pearling

    Latest images from my 45-gallon tank. Shot around 9pm, just prior to lights and CO2 shutting off. --> Thanks for the kind compliments. The key to good photos: Get close to the positive elements and eliminate the distractions. Or in my case, keep a camera on a tripod near the tank and hope...
  22. Neon Tetras and pearling Foxtail, Feb. 4, 2006

    Neon Tetras and pearling Foxtail, Feb. 4, 2006

  23. bubbles 03 med

    bubbles 03 med

  24. bubbles 01 med

    bubbles 01 med

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