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  1. R

    Daffodil Brichardi & Julidochromis

    I've got a fifty gallon aquarium (48" X 12" X 21") that is currently set up as a community tank, but I am hoping to take down this set up and start from scratch. I've never kept cichlids before but am excited to try something new. I was recently at a LFS and really liked the looks of the...
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    Canopy Reno

    I've long been considering what I might do to my canopy to enable me to grow live plants and think I may have come up with a solution. My aquarium is 48" and there are two separate 22" canopies on it with standard package lighting. I was thinking I could replace the current canopy with two of...
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    What Would You Add

    I have a fifty gallon currently stocked with the following fish: 3 Swordtails 6 Black Neon Tetras 1 Dwarf Gourami 1 L144 Pleco 1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco I'm wondering if you owned this aquarium what fish you would add to the mix. Thanks.
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    High ph

    Tested the Ph in my newly established aquarium last night and it scored an 8.2. This seems very high to me. It is set up with National Geographic Aquarium Sand, 1 Lava Rock, 1 Coconut Shell, 1 Piece of Drift Wood, 1 Clump of Java Moss and some plastic plants. Any recommendations on lowering the...
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    Potential 50 Gallon Stock Plan

    I have a fifty gallon that I have been considering stocking with the following fish: 4 Swordtails (1 male, 3 female) 6 Panda Cories 1 Bristlenose Pleco 1 Dwarf Gourami 2 Angelfish Will these fish be compatible? Is the aquarium overstocked, or is there the potential for a couple more fish...
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    Gourami Advice

    I am looking for some advice on gouramis. I am going to be setting up a fifty gallon community aquarium soon and would like to include some gouramis in its stock. As I do my research, however, it seems that there are several opinions out there on how many can be stocked together and the male...
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    Low Light Plants

    Just curious if there are any aquarium plants out there that can thrive with very little lighting. I have a 48" X 12" X 18.5" tank with two of the following lights: Perfecto Replacement 24" Fluorescent Strip Light // Aquarium Supplies Canada - Pond Supplies Canada - Reptile Supplies Canada //...
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    Lighting Upgrade

    I recently bought a used fifty gallon aquarium and I believe it has two of these for lighting: Perfecto Replacement 24" Fluorescent Strip Light // Aquarium Supplies Canada - Pond Supplies Canada - Reptile Supplies Canada // Pets & Ponds Unfortunately this means that the aquarium only has 30...
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    Fifty Gallon Mbuna Stocking

    I've recently acquired a fifty gallon aquarium and have been humming and hawing over what type of fish I want to stock it with. I am currently considering the possibility of stocking the tank with Mbuna cichlids. I have, however, never owned cichlids before and have quite a bit to learn. After...
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    A Good Deal? + Lighting Question

    Hello Everyone, I am hoping to get back into the hobby after a significant time away. I have found a potential purchase on Kijiji and was wondering what you guys think about the deal. (Prices are in Canadian dollars). You can see the tank here: 30 Gallon Hagen Fish Tank with Stand and...
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