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  1. AquariumFreek

    Tropical Fish for Pond

    I have a 50 something gallon long stock tank out in our barn thats almost finished cycling but I have no idea what i'm gonna put in it, I already have goldies in my 55g inside so I dont want any more coldwater fish. temp is about 73F but the heater is only 100w so its cranked up to 95 degrees...
  2. AquariumFreek

    Mixing tail types in bettas?

    Does anyone here have experience with mixing different bettas to get "mutts"? i'm (very) new to breeding bettas and i'm having trouble picking pairs my males, (if i can figure it out, i'll try to post photos!) red/blue dragon butterfly male, 2 yrs red/white dragon plakat male, 6 months...
  3. AquariumFreek

    Fungus on Neon Tetra

    Hi 2 of my Neons have had some kind of fungus on their mouth for a few weeks and i can't get rid of it. tank is cycled, 10 gallons (its temporary, their new 20g is almost done cycling) ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10. i have 7 neons but thankfully only the 2 have the fungus... i've used many...
  4. AquariumFreek

    Platy clamping fins

    hi ive just recently noticed one of my female platys is clamping her fins and chasing around the other females. tank is cycled (20 gallons) ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite 0, nitrate 20. ive had her for about 2 weeks now and she was perfectly fine before :( all the other fish seem fine. just yesterday...
  5. AquariumFreek


    Today I noticed my platy and honey gourami have white and stringy poo...Is this okay? 2 weeks ago I tested my water and my ammonia was 0.25, so I did daily 25% changes for about 9 days. my gouramis and platy just sit at the top (or at the bottom) of the tank all day. they still eat, and...
  6. AquariumFreek

    Betta fin rot?

    Hi I've had my Betta for about a year, and when i got him his Fins looked torn, but i assumed they would heal. Almost a year later it hasn't changed one bit. He's in a 10 gallon with another male Betta, 4 ghost shrimp, and a bristlenose pleco. I do 25% water changes every 2 or 3 weeks. He is...
  7. AquariumFreek

    Pleco not eating

    Hi! I have a bristlenose pleco that i've had for about 2 years, and she's been eating basically every green veggie you can name. But I just started giving her cucumber, and she hasn't touched it :ermm: Is this normal? Every night put it on a rock and she just kinda swims around it and doesn't...
  8. AquariumFreek

    New Goldfish+ Questions

    Hello. I have been doing lots of research about goldfish, and planning on getting one in the next few weeks...but i'm really stuck on the tank size. I was gonna get a 30 gallon glass aquarium, but then I saw a big Rubbermaid 50 gal tub at my local farm store, and It was WAY cheaper than the...
  9. AquariumFreek

    Is my platy dying??

    I recently made a thread about my platy being pregnant, Well....turns out the pregnant "female" was actually just a very sick male. His belly is really big.... bigger than usual, and hes sitting at the bottom of the tank, breathing heavy. I also noticed my female has red gills. I did a 50% water...
  10. AquariumFreek

    Is my platy pregnant?

    Help! I just got 2 female platys from my local fish store, I think one of them is pregnant. I noticed her belly is pretty large, and she has a small black line on it. My other female looks very big also, but she doesn't have the black line. Last time I had platys, they had LOTS of fry, and it...
  11. AquariumFreek

    Whats wrong with my new betta?!

    I just got a new male betta from my local fish store, and he seemed very healthy when i got him, but after about 3 days he started laying under a little wood decoration, and being lazy? he was very very active when i first put him into the 5 gallon and seemed happy, but he wont come out from...
  12. AquariumFreek

    Too many fish?

    Hi! I recently went to my local fish store to get some plants, and they told me that I have too many fish in my 20 gal. What do you think? 2 male (dwarf) gourami 7 neon tetras 2 female platies I have LOTS of hiding areas and I have not seen any aggressive behavior with the male gouramis and...
  13. AquariumFreek

    Stocking ideas for 3 gallon?

    Hello! I'm setting up (another) 3 gallon tank in my office, And I was wondering what you all recommend for that size aquarium, and doesn't need a heater. Thanks.
  14. AquariumFreek

    Tankmates for male gourami?

    Hi I just upgraded to a 20 gallon tank, and I put my 2 male (dwarf) gouramis into it. i know they aren't actually supposed to be together, but they are actually fine together and are very peaceful. they were in my old 10 gallon for atleast 2 years or so, and i've had no problems. I'm just...
  15. AquariumFreek

    tankmates for betta?

    My betta was just moved into a 20 gallon tank, and I want to add more fish...what should/can I put with him?
  16. AquariumFreek

    extremely loud pump

    Hi today i got a 20 gallon tank, and long story short, right when i filled it with water i went to go plug in the filter pump...and right when it plugged in it made a veryyy loud beeping i unplugged it and looked it up and it seems nobody else has this problem? the water is filled...
  17. AquariumFreek

    bettas fins not healing??

    Hello. I recently noticed my betta had fin of course I went to my local fish store and got some Bettafix. after about a week of giving it to him, I noticed his fins were not I kept giving to him for about 3 more days and still nothing is happening? Am I doing something wrong?
  18. AquariumFreek

    Two male gouramis in 10 gal?

    Hello. My (new) male gouramis are in a 10 gal together, and they seem fine. I've had them for about 2 weeks and haven't seen them being aggressive, but recently a fish store told me it's a "VERY bad idea" to put males together..... is this true, and should i be worried?
  19. AquariumFreek

    Pregnant platy?

    Hello I recently got a male molly (about 3 weeks ago) and I noticed my female platy is really fat. Is it possible that they could breed? I'm still new to this haha
  20. AquariumFreek

    Fish for 10 Gallon tank

    Hi I just got a 10 gallon, and I don't have anything in the tank yet. What can I put in the tank that will get along with a male betta?
  21. AquariumFreek

    Tips on breeding Mollies?

    I'm planning on getting a male molly, I currently have only one female and i wasn't sure if i should separate them in order for them to breed? i'm new to mollies and i'm not sure :confused:
  22. AquariumFreek

    Injured molly?

    HI There! Tips on how to tell aggressive behavior? My mollies tail is really crooked and strange looking. almost like shes being attacked by my male Gourami? they're in a 25 gal tank with 4 more fish. They've never been aggressive but i'm just worried.
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