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  1. Inverts


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    Driftwood question

    I'm going to put a crowntail betta in the tank.
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    Driftwood question

    Really? I'll have to give that a try. Not running a filter on that tank would definately help my pocketbook.
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    Driftwood question

    After boiling the hell out of it with frequent water changes for about a day and a half it sank, and there is very little water discoloration. Now I just need to get some extra money to buy plants and a filter.
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    Driftwood question

    I don't actually have a filter yet. I was considering a sponge filter, but I can add a small corner carbon filter. I'm setting up my 5.5 for a crowntail betta. I'll be leaving in a few minutes to buy him..... I have a spare tank running to keep him in until the 5.5 is ready. I don't know if...
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    Betta Stock

    I don't know if it is something you want to mess with, but you could also consider selling them online.
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    Driftwood question

    I was recently given a piece of grape wood and have been boiling it for about 4 hours now. I have changed the water 4 times now, but it still looks like tea when I pour it out. Is grape wood good for aquariums and will the wood eventually stop coloring the water?
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    ICH? Question.

    I don't know about the answer of cures with your cories, but in my experience every cure I have tried, regardless of the fish in the tank....only made things worse. The one thing that has worked for me is raising the temp up to about 86*F. But thats just my experience.
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    What are kudo points for?

    we have kudo points? shows how observant I am.
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    Looking for hood and light for a standard 10 gallon aquarium

    I need a hood/light combo for my 10 gallon and was hoping someone might have one lying around they aren't using. Incandecent would be fine, since I can purchase those screw in neons. I know I could just pick one up in the store, but I figured maybe I could help one of you get rid of something...
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    What is the "theme" of your aquarium?

    I see old tv's like that at the side of the road all the time. I would love to know how the heck you did that, would make scooping one of them up totally worth it.
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    WTB Tahitian Moon Sand

    I checked with the LFS and he said he would be happy to order me a bag. A 20lb. bag. I guess I'm just going to have to settle for a heck of alot more than I need. I'll use it all eventually anyway so I guess it's all good.
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    HELP ! what can I stuff hollow ornaments with ???

    I'm still new to the hobby, so don't put too much stock in my suggestion. The play sand should be safe as long as you rinse it thouroughly. The only concern I would have, depending on the number of ornaments you are filling and their size, would be how much extra weight that would add to your...
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    WTB Tahitian Moon Sand

    I'm only looking to set up a 5 1/2 gallon tank, and I'm having some difficulty in finding tahitian moon sand. I've found it on several websites, but only in 20lb. bags. I'm not entirely sure how much I need for a smaller tank like this, but I'm pretty sure 20lbs. is much more than I need...
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    Setting up a 5.5 gallon for a Betta

    All the advice has given me a pretty good idea of what I'll need to aquire to set this up. Now to just plan ahead a bit and figure my overall costs. Thanks all!
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    Driftwood Advise

    This thread has definately helped me. Though I do have one question to add. How do I boil a piece of larger driftwood? I've got a piece on the way that is roughly 21" long, 9" tall and 6" wide. I know I don't have a pan that large.
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    DIY Sponge Filter...

    wow thats pretty cool! So do you put the airline all the way into the tube, or just part of the way?
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    cork bark background

    that sounds really interesting. I didn't turn anything up with google, but I'd love to see pics if you do it.
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    Betta Not eating

    I got this bottle of betta bites when I had mine. He seemed to like those.... and occasionally nibbled on freeze dried bloodworms. the fantails like the betta bites too
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    The most common... sticky -- discussion

    Who here is a noob? *raises hand* I never realized that I was "double dipping" so to speak with my net. That is one more noobie mistake that will be corrected. Thanks to all of you, I may one day move beyond noob status.
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    New 55gall

    I've always been a huge fan of angelfish, but in all honesty I don't know enough to be able to say if they would be compatable with what you are going for and the tank settings it would require.
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    the "best" fish food (?)

    I've been using Tetra Min tropical flake, Wardley's shrimp pellets and Wardley's goldfish crumbles. I can't really say they're the best, but my fantails seem to like it and their color looks good.
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    Common Newbie Pitfalls

    Sounds similar to what my dad wanted to do when I had Oscars years back. I'm amazed they lived since I didn't know anything about cycling a tank, PWC, water was pretty much set up the tank, add gravel and decos...fill with water...add fish. How I never killed them is beyond...
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    Got my first Pleco today!

    Great pics! Wish I could get my friends to sit still long enough for my friend's digital. I'd have to agree with you though, plecos seem to be hard to find. Whenever I do find them they don't appear to be in the best of shape.
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