Betta Not eating

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 27, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio
So I have a Betta in my 10 gal along with 5 neons, but my problem is the betta isnt really eating. Ive seen him take a few flakes but pretty mcuh spits them out and tried bloodworms which he ate a few but he wont even touch the Betta food I put in. He just looks at it as it goes by in the current. Is this normal, will he start eating? Ive had him for about 5days now.
Most bettas won't touch flake food. They can also be picky about pellets if they've been fed mostly live or freeze dried foods.
Give him a few more days to settle into his new home. He should start eating once he feels at ease. Were the bloodworms frozen or freeze dried? Try frozen if you haven't already.
No wmy Neons are taking the betta food and trying to eat them. Im starting to worry that my Betta wont start eating his food. Im using Hikari Betta Bio-Gold and hes yet to eat one. He looks at them and occasionally will take one then spit it out. Will he get the idea thats his food and fianlly start eating it?
I got this bottle of betta bites when I had mine. He seemed to like those....
and occasionally nibbled on freeze dried bloodworms.

the fantails like the betta bites too
If he's eating the bloodworms, I would probably just try getting him to eat that instead of the flakes since he's spitting them out anyway :)
My betta was also very fussy and the Hikari bio-gold pellets finally worked for him. He would not touch flakes or frozen bloodworms. I did find that by putting a feeding ring in the tank he would come to it for his food and the rest of my fish ate the flakes just sprinkled in. The feeding ring was just for his food and it didn't take him long to figure it out. HTH
My betta is also very picky. He will only eat freeze dried bloodworms and freeze dried brine shrimp. So you might try some of the freeze dried brine shrimp by hikari, just to see if he likes that. Bettas can be picky lil rascals. Also the flow in a ten gal tanks filter might be faster than hes use to. The betta in my 10 has his own lil cubby hole of giant plants to rest on when he gets tired. When I first had him in the 10 he woouldnt eat either, but after I put the giant plants in for him, he started gobbling. The feeding ring helps immensely too he wont have to chase his food to wherever the current from the filter takes it. LOL Good Luck with your cute llil betta!! HTH
In the past week I've gotten two male bettas (sep 2.5 gal tanks) - I call one Mr Piggy and the other Mr Fussy. Piggy will eat his Hikari Bio-Gold pellets IMMEDIATELY - no acclimation needed. Mr Fussy ate 3 of the pellets the night I brought him home - but I guess that was simply from starvation ! It took another 4 days before he would even TRY them - and he spits them out ! But I'm gonna keep trying !!!
Good luck to all the Mr Fussy type Betta parents out there !
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