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  1. shayfish

    Disoriented Yo-Yo

    Earlier this evening I looked over at my tank and saw one of my adult yoyo loaches dart up to the surface, appeared to smack into the glass, and then collapse on the bottom on his side. He was gasping quite hard, but no other signs of illness - no spots, big eyes, bloated belly, ratty fins or...
  2. shayfish

    severe pop eye and then some

    I have a bronze corey who recently had a very sudden and severe case of pop eye. One day I didn't notice anything unusual, the next day they eye was HUGE. I treated immediately with Maracyn II which seemed to bring the eye down by the second day or so. Continued the treatment for the full 5...
  3. shayfish

    solutions for bacterial or parasite (internal)?

    I have a few german rams that I think have either an internal bacteria or parasite infection going on. I started dosing melafix/pimafix 3 days ago. Any recommendations? Also, one of my rams in another tank has a small red spot near her mouth. It looks like a big red pimple. I'm not sure...
  4. shayfish

    tankbusters in the making?

    I was a little surprised last night when I went to visit my parents and saw 2 small arowanas in my dad's 33 gallon tank. I told him that these fish can grow to be several feet in length and he said to me that a guy at the lfs said that these ones will only get to be about 6 inches (he held his...
  5. shayfish

    A Tribute to Lumpy

    I wanted to share some photos of my deceased African Clawed Frog, Lumpy. The circumstances surrounding his death were very unfortunate and I will miss this little guy quite a lot. He was a very amazing creature and his habit of literally hanging around the tank in unusual ways permit me to...
  6. shayfish

    Frog Situation; Epilogue *update*; The Bizarre Final Chapter

    Some of you may remember my frog-related crisis of last week; Well, I got a deal on a new tank for the three of them to live in and got everything set up to move everyone back in from the rubbermaid container they'd been living in. I'd had...
  7. shayfish

    A sorry state of affairs

    When I got home tonight, I noticed that the water level on my 33 gallon African Clawed Frog (3 of 'em) tank was about 4 or 5 inches lower than it should be. There was also a large puddle of water on the floor. So, naturally I freaked out. I got all the towels in my house and started stuffing...
  8. shayfish

    inside the hood reflector thingies

    I remember being told on here that my canopies were inadequate for plants because there was nothing to reflect the light. The suggestion then was to paint the inside of the hood white to reflect some of the light back down. I am just wondering what everyone's opinion on this is... this was a...
  9. shayfish

    AC 20 filter quit

    I have an aquaclear 20 that seems to have resigned today. I unplugged it for a pwc and when I went to plug it back in... nothing. This actually has happened before but it would eventually start if I just kept trying. But it seems like this time it's done. Has anyone ever had this happen? I...
  10. shayfish

    Near death experience

    I just turned around from my desk to see my 2 cats almost nose to nose looking at something. It was a shrimp. An amano shrimp. I just bought 3 amano shrimp this afternoon.... I have no idea how it happened! So obviously... I panicked. I jumped up and tried to pick it up to rush it to the...
  11. shayfish

    whisper filter

    My tetra whisper 5-15 is creating a lot of turbulence in my 5 gallon tank. I have never had these kinds of filters and I don't see a way to turn down the flow. Is there anything I can do?
  12. shayfish

    hornwort, snails

    I have hornwort coming out my ears. I also have quite a lot of lfs hitchiker snails... I am pretty sure I've got mts (lots) and ramshorn(common). I am not too good with the teeny tiny snail IDs so I'm not 100% sure on the mts, but I could send/post a pic. Neither have proved menacing to...
  13. shayfish

    Who belongs to these?

    These eggs just showed up... I guess they're a little hard to see. There are the bright ones in the middle, and some more on the underside of the leaf in the bottom left. There is a few more on the other side of the val leaf and they are right at the surface. They are fairly large (you...
  14. shayfish

    java fern babies

    I picked up a big fat java fern today... for straight from the lfs this thing is pretty huge. The biggest leaf is on it's way out... it is in rough shape, but it is sprouting babies. I don't know what to do with them! I have had java fern do this before, but after it was established in my...
  15. shayfish


    Well, my rams are at it again. But this time they are in a tank all their own. I thought they were permanently traumatized from the move because I have hardly seen them in the 10 days or so they have been in there. They get startled quite easily when I go near the tank and hide a LOT. BUT a...
  16. shayfish

    Gimmie hug!

    Frog needs love :D
  17. shayfish

    My never ending ram saga...

    Condensed version of the story up until now: -got 2 gold rams, thinking they were a mated pair -turned out to be 2 females -got 1 male blue ram because I'm an idiot -chaos ensued -moved and completely traumatized one female and the male into another tank -got another male blue ram -new male...
  18. shayfish

    longshot cory ID - pic added

    I saw some cories at a chain pet store yesterday and I can't quite figure out what variety they were. They were fairly large, say 2" and they were a dark bronze colour with a thick black stripe running the length of their bodies. They were labeled as green cories, which I don't think was...
  19. shayfish

    The real reason I love this hobby.

    A couple of Wednesdays ago, I had an experience that put into perspective why I love this hobby so much and why it means so much to me. I wanted to write this right away, but somehow it got pushed to the back of my mind. I have been thinking about it again and I want to share it with all of...
  20. shayfish

    moving trauma?

    I moved 2 rams into a different tank 2 days ago and they still don't seem right. I thought the move went as peacefully as possible... I acclimated them for 20 minutes and have been feeding them all the good stuff since. They do come out to eat, but they both take just a few excited bites...
  21. shayfish

    Music to my ears!

    Someone from my ACF tank was just singing for the first time ever! It was great! There are 3 adult froggies in there that I just inherited a few weeks ago. For the first time in their lives they are living in a planted tank with clean water and no other fishey inhabitants and I think they...
  22. shayfish

    xp3 air bubbles

    My Rena xp3 is sending little teeny bubbles into my tank. There were air surges occuring also, so I took everything apart, and made sure that everything is connected properly and restarted. I don't see the air surges but there seems to be an almost steady stream of really really small bubbles...
  23. shayfish

    my GBR traded ladies!

    I have 2 female gold rams and one male blue. It has been quite the saga, me and these fish. Here are a few of my threads on them... and
  24. shayfish

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    I present to you... The ACF Matrix:
  25. shayfish

    Help, I can't catch 'em!!!

    I am trying to move 2 rams into a breeding tank that I've set up and cycled for them. I wanted to move them in last night, I took the ammonia source out of the breeding tank, did a huge pwc and got the temps matched. But I couldn't catch the fish! Eventually I had to give up and go out...
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