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  1. S

    Girlfight at the LFS!!!

    I am always amazed at some of the information you can obtain at a LFS..... Today I needed a bottle of Prime, so I stopped by an LFS that is close, usually has very good fish, but their prices are sky high. I had a coupon for 25% off supplies so I figured it was worth it to throw them some...
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    Flashing GBR

    I've been into aquariums for 20+ years, but I recently bought my first pair of GBRs. I got them two weeks ago, they spent a week in quarantine, and have been in the main tank for a week. Today, I noticed the female flashing against rocks and the substrate. She only did it about 5 times, and I...
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    55 Gallon Community

    55 Gallon Community, currently 4 angels, 4 swords, 5 danios 2 three spot gouramis and a red tailed black shark. I custom built the stand and hood to match the armoire I built a few years ago and the dvd storage cabinet that sits in the same room. Underneath is a ten gallon quarantine/...
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    All Glass 55 Gallon

    Hi folks, been lurking for about a week, new to the forums! I am currently building a stand for my soon to be aquired All Glass 55 Gallon. I got every measurement but the height of the top and bottom frame. Could someone with this tank make a quick measurement for me? Thanks in advance...
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