Flashing GBR

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 20, 2006
I've been into aquariums for 20+ years, but I recently bought my first pair of GBRs. I got them two weeks ago, they spent a week in quarantine, and have been in the main tank for a week. Today, I noticed the female flashing against rocks and the substrate. She only did it about 5 times, and I haven't seen it since. She looks fine, and has good color and is eating. I have not noticed the male exhibiting this behavior. I did a 50% water change yesterday morning, and water parameters as of 20 minutes ago are:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
PH is 8.2 (Kinda high, but they were drip acclimated and that is what it is straight out of the tap)

The tank is 4 months old, and as touchy as these fish are, I am just wondering if there is cause for concern, or is this common behavior?
I was going to put it in here, but didn't. she is in a community 55 with 4 angels, 4 swords, 2 three spot gouramis, 5 zebra danios, and a red tailed black shark. No signs of ich on her, or any tank mates.
Well, spent most of the day around the house, and several visits to the tank. No indication of flashing today from her, maybe she just had an itch, lol

Thanks for the help

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