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  1. N

    Guppy skinny disease

    So I think a guy just sold me infected guppies. A few of them were separated from his main tanks and had them in his backyard. I started noticing them getting skinnier amd they weren't really big to begin with even tho they were female and now slowly dying off. I'd be fine if the guppies had a...
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    Need help identifying small creatures

    I've had seed shrimp infesting this tank and now this. Can anyone tell me what these are and if they can harm my shrimps?
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    Fuzz on driftwood

    Probably should've taken photos before I decided to clean it. So my question is what kind of algae is this and will it disappear by itself if I just keep brushing and syphoning it? It's kind of a new setup. I decided to reset and clean everything cause it got overrun by ramshorn and the tannins...
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    Question about Albino Glowlight Tetra

    The guy that I regularly buy fish from has them and I thought they looked pretty cool. Was wondering if anyone has any experience keeping them with shrimp? Someone said they can be pretty aggressive and might hunt the babies which I can't afford since I'm planning on getting 2 pairs of adult...
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    Difference between Procambarus Clarkii and Alleni?

    What's the difference between them and what's an easy way to tell them apart?
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    Will a spawning cube be effective

    So I was thinking of making a spawning cube inside my 15 gal community tank cause I'm starting to run out of space. The 15 gal is gonna be for some lampeyes, pygmy cory and male guppies. I'm gonna be putting the male and female guppy inside the cube for when I want them to spawn and I'm gonna be...
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    Dude can I pick your brain about something? So I just bought a male dwarf cray and moved him with my female cray to a 5 gal mini pond I made with lot's of caves and hiding spots. I'm planning to breed them and move some of them to a 15 gal when I get a colony started. Question is will they...
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    Starting a community tank. Looking for compatibility.

    Ok so my Panda platty gave birth and I didn't realize she was pregnant. I put her in a heavily planted tank I made cause it was empty at the moment and now the fry seem to be doing well with very little meddling from me. Watching them swim around and surviving while barely doing anything made me...
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    Help setting up dirted tank

    So I'm planning on setting up a semi Walstad method tank. Can I use 2 inch sand or more on top of the soil? I'm still planning on using a sponge filter, I'm just learning about the Walstad method and incorporating it to my tank to help me with filtration and plants and stuff. I'm adding a thick...
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    Question about the glue we use

    Hey guys. So I'm wondering about the glue used to stick plants to rocks or wood. It leaves a white residue. Does it go away after time on its own? On wood I think you can just carve it off. But I accidentally squirted too much on a lava rock and it left a white mark on it and it kinda looks...
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    Are dried roots aquarium safe

    So we have a rubber tree and I was thinking if using some of it's dried roots to attach to my drift wood. is that safe? I'm attaching a monstera on top of that driftwood too.
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    Seed Shrimp good or bad?

    Hey guys. So some seed shrimp appeared on a plant I bought and I was thinking of moving then in a bigger container with some guppy grass. Any tips on what they eat? Also would it be a bad idea to introduce them into a 15 gallon tank that I'm setting up for some guppies or swordtails? What are...
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    Bottom of Tank turning black

    Can someone help me with my setup? The bottom of my grow out tank for my crayfish is turning black including the bottom of the rocks and the sand.
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    Need help identifying small creatures

    Need help identifying these small things in a planted dirt tub I was experimenting with. They're white and round and swim smoothly unlike daphnia that seems to hop around. They're all over the guppy grass. I had a Platty in there so I could avoid stuff like these and mosquitoes.
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    Crayfish set-up

    So I just got some crayfish a week ago. Unplanned cause the guy that was selling me cherry shrimp showed me some crays that he was having a hard time unloading, so he sold them to me for cheap. My question is what's a nice setup for them? I have them on almost 2 inch of water no filter, a pvc...
  16. N

    Where do Detritus worms come from?

    I'm wondering if these worms can just appear in new aquariums. I'm trying to culture daphnia and one batch died, there's still a couple small ones there but then I noticed these guys wriggling around. Not exactly sure where I got them from and I'm considering if I should throw them away cause...
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    Transparent eggs growing on Guava leaves

    So we have a Guava tree and I decided to put a couple leaves on my tanks since I read it was good for the water. It had some small white stuff which I was thinking was probably fungus or mold. So i washed it, cleaned it and made sure I removed every bit of it then boiled it for 5 minutes before...
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